Chapter 2-Father & Daughter

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"Linda!" the King called in the direction of the palace garden.

He knew that the garden was the one place that his daughter would frolic in practically all day long.

"Over here Papa!" she stood to his immediate right with soiled shoes and flowers in her hair.

At the age of twenty she was the image of her mother. The same long brown hair and sea green eyes. It was as if he were twenty five years younger and the woman that he grew up loving was still standing in the garden tending to her plants.

Looking at his daughter right now reminded him if the time when he was young, wishing with all his heart that the woman before him would love give him the honor of calling her 'his'. But alas the time has passed, she has passed but he sees his daughter in that same garden and he could not be more proud to call her his daughter, the one person remaining that he could cherish. And he would do so fiercely. He would die before he sees that any harm comes to his daughter.


I was tending to the garden when I heard Papa's voice resonating strong from the direction of the castle.

Looking over towards him I could see the honest man that he is. I wish and pray that the man I would one day wed, the man that I would one day fall in love with would be honest,loyal and brave.

I once overheard a conversation an elderly man had with my father some years earlier. The man said 'a father must set an example of what a man is supposed to be, so that when the time comes she would recognize a man that is genuine and one that is not.'

I never told my father that I overheard their conversation. However, I always kept that in mind.

Thanks to my father's character I understand how an honorable man behaves and I have developed the skill of perception.

I pray that this skill comes in handy when I meet my future prince. Hopefully it will occur soon.


His Daughter LindaWhere stories live. Discover now