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you might ask yourself over and over again, "why does this happen to me?" or "why am i here ?" trust me when i say this, everyone thinks the same. the question that you think will remain unanswered until the day you die. you keep questioning yourself and you don't even notice the time that passes by. you think about every single scenario that could happen, every single problem you might face along the way. you create more and more problems in your head. the fact that you think that the people around you don't care. this is what is killing you the most. anxiety comes in and you feel like you're worthless. like you don't deserve to breathe, love, smile. you're telling yourself that, "everything's going to be okay." but, do you truly, deep in your heart, feel that ? do you think that there'll be a beautiful rainbow after the storm ? most of your answers will be no. cause even i, myself don't. then why ? why do we do this ? why do we play the game called "life" ? the answer is simple. do you remember the time when you were a child, blowing your 4th birthday cake ? the look in you parent(s) or guardian(s) eyes. the love they showed towards you. the fact that they wanted to see you grow up healthy and strong. even if you didn't have much or if you had everything you needed and more. that look in their eyes, that feeling you felt, that's something you can't buy. those are the moments you should look back on when you overthink. think back to when it was a simpler life. when you didn't even understand what was going on in the world. don't think about the "what if's" and start thinking about what happened. the things that went right. the fact that you got through the day, maybe all you did was use your phone, but you're still here. don't give yourself such a hard time and start understanding that everybody has their limits. be selfish once in awhile and relax. tell yourself "this is my day and nothing can ruin my day." just put on a smile for the world to see. I know it might be hard, but remember that everything is temporary.

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