Heathers AU pt.1

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It's balanced, it's nimble

It's crystalline clear'

Evan thought that Everything Else from Next to Normal was a song that sounded very much like Veronica. He had practised for hours over the past few days, and he hoped that his singing was alright.

Evan finished his song and sat down next to the other 10 or so other people auditioning.

As the last person (Christine Canigula) finished her song, Mr Reyes finished writing down some notes and came onto the stage.

'Now,' he began. 'Normally, this decision would take me a couple of days at least, but since we don't have much time, I am going to announce it straight away. You all performed amazingly, and if you didn't get a part this season, be sure to audition next season each and every one of you has talent. Ok, the person I have cast as Veronica Sawyer is...'

Everyone was sitting on the edge of their seats, or, in Evan's case, biting their nails nervously.

'Evan Hansen!' Everyone turns to look at Evan and gives him a round of applause. He smiles and blushes a little.

'Evan, rehearsal will be tomorrow afternoon at 4. I will email you a script and music book tonight. Please be prepared.'

As everyone got up to leave, Christine came over to Evan, happy and bubbly as always.

'Hey Evan! Congrats on getting the role. I knew as soon as I heard you sing that Mr Reyes was going to cast you. I would've liked to be Veronica but I guess there is always next season. Anyway, good luck! See your 6thperiod calc tomorrow!' Christine ran off.

Evan was glad the Christine had taken the news like she had. He knew how obsessed she was over theatre and did feel a little bad at taking a role that she wanted.


'So, Evan, since you have missed a lot already, we need to schedule more rehearsals for you. Now, I believe that you are already familiar with the script since you were stage manage, is that right?'

Evan nods, proud that he already knew all of Veronica's lines.

'Ok, well, we are going to start off with rehearsing Candy Store, and then Dead girl walking. That should probably be all for tonight, but if there is time, we will work on some other stuff as well.'

The entire cast nods, and Evan blushes a little at the thought of rehearsing Dead Girl Walking.


'Hey Evan, do you wanna start? I guess we kinda have to or Mr Reyes will get pissed.'

'Haha yeah...' Evan trails off, blushing.

Mr Reyes had put him and Connor in a separate room while the rest of the cast practised the choreography.

'So, do you wanna just start from the where the song begins and we can practise harmonies for now?'

'Y-yeah, sure...' Evan took a deep breath. Mr Reyes wanted them to nail the vocals before they did any of the... blocking.

Evan put the CD into the player, and chose the track.

'The demon queen of high school has decreed it.

She says Monday, 8am I'll be deleted.

They'll hunt me down in study hall
Stuff and mount me on the wall
Thirty hours to live, how shall I spend them?
I don't have to stay and die like cattle
I could change my name and ride up to Seattle
But I don't own a motorbike
Wait, here's an option that I like
Spend these thirty hours getting freaky!'

Evan blushed as he began to sing the chorus, thinking of how Jared would react knowing what he was singing to Connor.

Evan finished off with the first chorus as Connor began his lines.

'Veronica, what're you doing in my room?'


Mr Reyes had told them they didn't need to start rehearsing choreography today, but it felt so natural to Evan, so he started doing it anyway.

They continued with the song, finishing the last note in perfect harmony. Everything about Connor and Evan's voices together was perfect.

'Wow, Evan. I didn't realise how good you were. You have so much confidence acting. It's so different from what I know of you!' Connor says in disbelief.

'Oh, um, ok. Thanks.'

Mr Reyes walked in, and before Evan could say anything, Connor stepped forward.

'Mr Reyes, I think Evan and I are good, you don't need to show us anything.' Connor said, hoping he didn't have to go through the awkwardness of Mr Reyes demonstrating. 'Evan already knows the choreography!

'Oh really?' He replies, mildly surprised. 'Could you show me?'

So, Evan, blushing beet red, performed the song with Connor for a second time that day.

'Bravo, Bravo!' Mr Reyes says, standing on his feet and applauding them. 'Evan, is there any choreography or stage directions you don't know?'

'Actually, being stage manager, I know all of it.'

'Great! We will start tech week on Monday, and have dress rehearsal tomorrow. Evan, you are going to need to wear a skirt, I'm sorry, as it is too late to change the costume. We will just have to change it to fit your size. Good job!'

For Forever: Dear Evan Hansen One ShotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz