"I knew that if I stayed in that house, I was going to die. Your father had hurt me so many times in the past, but my heart couldn't seem to handle anymore. So, I called Aunt May, you know the one who stayed with you all after I had... you know. I told her that if I went home, I was going to die and I felt it would be better for me to fake my death and better myself than to have one of my children find my lifeless body on their own.

"It was selfish, I know. I wasn't thinking about how badly it would affect the two of you. I didn't think I would be gone for so long. I thought that I would work on myself for a couple of years and then come back stronger. I would divorce your father and the two of you would come live with me outside the city. But when I would ask May about how you guys were doing, it seemed like you two were flourishing. Gemma was pregnant and married, and you were next in line to be CEO of your father's company. I didn't think either of you needed me, so one year became two and so on and so forth. You both seemed to be doing well,"

"Doing well?" I could feel the anger boiling inside of me. "Mom, we were a wreck. You know how dad is; he went back to business as usual and Gemma and I were left to mend our broken hearts on our own. How could you do this? Force us to take in such a heavy blow and mourn on our own. Gemma didn't eat for weeks... and I, well, I think I've been numb ever since I heard the news."

"Harry, please understand. I know what I did was despicable and completely absurd, but you have to understand where I was coming from. When I lived in that house, I was a shell of a person. I was not even half of the mother that I should've been for the two of you. I had been beaten down so many times by your dad that I no longer knew who I was. The time in Greece was supposed to be a revelation period for me, but I always planned to come back for my children."

"Except when you didn't." I scoffed.

"But I planned to. The timing was just blurred for a while,"

"I see, and when, Mom, would you say is the best time to go back to your children?" My heart immediately dropped when these words slipped from my mouth. I looked into my mother's eyes, the eyes that everyone told me I shared. I looked at her as if I was looking at my inward self.

I was my mother.

I now realized how absurd my way of thinking had been. How stupid was I for leaving the two people who meant so much to me? How stupid was I to abandon my child?

"I'm...you..." I whispered to myself.

"Harry?" Mom asked warily.

"It all makes sense now," I shook my head, processing everything my mother had told me. "I'm you, Mom. Don't you see? I'm allowing my fears to rule over my life when I should be facing them."

"I'm not sure I'm following," She shook her head.

I turned to face her, taking her hands in mine. "You were always the strongest person I knew, Mom. You could handle anything if you'd just put your mind to it. You could've broken things off with dad because you're a brave woman, but you let fear make you believe things about yourself that weren't true. And ultimately, you made a decision that you knew you shouldn't have made.

"Now, I'm doing the same thing. I'm running away from the two - well, three people I love the most. All because I let fear tell me who I am. Just like you."

Mom placed her soft hand on my cheek. "My smart boy..." Her face turned somber for a moment. "Please understand that me leaving had nothing to do with me not loving you and Gemma."

I squeezed the hand that was on my cheek, "I know."

Mom nodded. "Good... did I just hear you say you left three people back in New York?"

I rubbed the back of my neck, and darted my eyes to the floor. "Little Mia and Grace; Grace is pregnant with our child." I watched her eyes grow, "I'm not proud of it. Grace is the best person I've ever know, Mom. She's smart, talented, and the best mom in the world. She makes me want to be better person. And Mia, oh man, I could go on and on about my little Mia. I look in her eyes, and know that I mean the world to her. It scared me at first, but then I started to crave it. I did everything in my power to make sure that look stayed in her eyes."

"Then why'd you leave?"

I gulped. "Because they're such wonderful human beings, and I didn't want to screw them up. Grace is the greatest parent to her kid, the last thing she needs is a damaged guy like me ruining her second one."

"Now Harry, you know that isn't true. You're so full of love, especially for your family. You'll do anything for those you love. You'd be a great father."

I breathed a sigh of relief, as if I had heard the one thing I truly needed to her. "You think so?"

Mom shook her head, "I know so. Your heart is your greatest gift. Don't let fear get in the way of your life, or by the sound of it, love. Go back to her."

I nodded, knowing exactly what I needed to do.


Hi guuuuuuuys! So, I had a completely different story line a couple of weeks ago lol. I had come up with an ending to the story in my head and was writing a whole bunch of chapters. But then I kept toying with the thought of Harry's mom coming back, so I went for it lol. I can't lie, though. I'm actually nervous about posting this chapter. I feel like this plot twist is pretty out there, but life is about taking chances right? I'm slowly starting to wrap this lovely story up. I think I've finally committed to an ending so I'll just continue to write it out. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! I'm sorry if you hate it 😔

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