Chapter 7

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                                                          Y/N POV

We spot his friends immediately and I start to get nervous. You did actually date Tae before so it was weird.

We immediately get weird looks from his friends.

"What's going on here?" Jimin asked.
"Well, we're together. . ." JK says. I blush.
"Yesterday, you guys weren't even talking. How are you together?" Tae asks looking a little hurt.
"I went to her house yesterday to try to talk to her about why things were so awkward and we realized it was all just a misunderstanding. After talking for a while after that, we realized we were attracted to each other and decided to see where it goes." JK explained. I stayed quiet.

Everyone congratulated us. Everyone, but Tae that is. He stayed silent, watching us. He still looked hurt. I go over to him.

"Hey." I say placing my hand on his shoulder. "Are you ok?"
"Sure. I'm fine. I'm happy for you guys. It just seems awfully sudden."
"Well, it is. We're just going with the flow right now. There's a lot we don't know about each other since I left and we are just reconnecting."
"Yeah, but you were my girlfriend when you left. Didn't you think it would be weird for me to see you with my best friend?"
"Tae, I didn't realize. I'm so sorry." I hug him.

He seems a little better as the bell rang for class. Everybody scatters, leaving me with JK and Tae. JK puts his arm around me and we all set off to class.

JK meets me after every class and walks me to my next. At lunch, we sat with his friends but this time, everybody was talking. Right before lunch ends, Tae pulls JK to the side. I watch as they walk away. Jimin starts talking to me about JK so I don't see where they go.

"So you are the third girl that JK has had since freshman year." He says.
"Three? He was with Angel when I left and he said they just broke up."
"Yeah. They've broken up a couple of times and he comes back to her. I don't get it. She always treats him badly but had never cheated on him til recently. I think thats why he kept going back. She was loyal. But not anymore. I don't think he will ever go back to that. . .girl."

I think that over for a while. Although he wasn't really my boyfriend, it was nice to know first, why he stayed with her, and second, that he wouldn't go back.

                                             JK POV

You walk with Tae to the hallway. Whatever he wanted to talk about must have been important if he didn't say it around the guys.

"What's up?" You ask.
Tae fidgets for a moment. "About Y/N. . .why didn't you tell me? You know we were dating before she left. Some warning would have been nice instead of finding out with everyone else."
You sigh. It hurt to see your friend this way. You didn't want to hurt him but this was a last minute plan. "Tae, I'm so sorry. This happened last night and it wasn't like we planned to hurt you. You guys dated like three years ago and I thought you were over it. Please tell me you can be happy for us."
"I am happy for you guys but it just would've been nice to have a warning."
"Are we ok? I don't want this to ruin our friendship." I say.
"Yeah. We're good." Tae says with a smile.

As you head back to the lunch room, you watch Y/N with your friends. My heart flutters. I've never thought of her that way. She's my best friend. But she looks so different and acts so different than the girl you knew. She's more confident and sexy. Sexy? It's still hard to think of her as the girl you've known since the day she was born, and the person she is now. You couldn't deny your real attraction to her though.

                                                                 Y/N POV

School was finally over. I look for JK but I can't find him. Oddly, he didn't meet me after my last class. He had met me all day and now, nothing. I wait for half and hour and still no JK so I just decide to walk home. I turn the corner of the school and see JK with Angel. She's running her hands up and down his arms and smiling. He smiles at her and you feel a twinge in your heart. Your relationship with JK wasn't real but I still didn't want him getting back together with her.

I take a deep breath and start walking. I don't look at them and keep looking ahead. I'm almost out of the parking lot when Hear my name being called. I turn and JK is calling me. I keep walking. If he's dumb enough to get back together with her, then this fake relationship is over and I feel like kicking his butt as his friend.

I'm almost home, when he pulls up beside me. I don't look at him.

"Y/N! What's wrong? I thought we were riding together." JK says.
"Really? Cause I waited half an hour for you. When I started home, I saw you with Angel. If you're getting back together with her, then this fake relationship is over. I can't believe you would after she cheated on you."
"Who told you that?" He asked. "Jimin." He realized. "That boy needs to keep his mouth shut. Anyway, I'm not getting back together with her. She came to me after school trying to sweet talk her way back but I told her that I'm in a relationship now. I saw you and immediately came after you."
I stop walking and look at him. "Really? I don't want you to get together with her. She's no good for you. She treats you badly and she cheated. You're too good for her."
"I'm never going back to her no matter what happens."

I finally get in his car and continue the ride home.

                                                                   JK POV

You were waiting for Y/N when angel approached you at school. You didn't wanna talk to her but it was inevitable since she probably heard the news that you were dating someone from one of her friends.

"So I heard you and that bitch got together." She says immediately.
Without giving her a greeting either, you say, "Yes and she's not a bitch."
"I'm still not going to stop. You will be mine again. It's just a matter of time." She sneers.
I laugh and she just looks at you.
"Come on...don't you miss the things we did. You know I know what you like." Angel says as she runs her hands up and down your arms.
You grab her hands and shove them away. You look up and see Y/N and shout her name. She looks at you and then keeps walking.  Worried, you run to your car to go after her. Once in the car, you look at the time and realize your a half hour late. No wonder she looked mad. You catch her almost home.

She doesn't want you to get back with Angel. Is she jealous? You wonder. After explaining that you would never get back together with Angel, she finally gets in the car. You look at her. You feel a flutter in your chest again and butterflies in your stomach. These feelings are weird. You've known her since she was born but you can't deny that there's something there when you look at her.

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