14 » honey, i shrunk myself (end credits)

Start from the beginning

"Oh, I know!" Laurie perks up excitedly, making everyone look at her expectedly.


"Go on, Little Mama." Laurie gently nudges her sister, "Tell Dad what ya did."

Cassie's brown eyes get confused before she gasps in remembrance, "Oh yeah!" Her doe eyes turn to their father as she practically bursts, "Daddy, I did my first cartwheel today!"

"What?" Scott looks shocked.

"Yeah." Mom-o confirms with a proud smile, "Laurie has been helping her practice all week, but today was the magic day. I recorded it on my phone." Their mom quickly pulls her phone out to show him, "Here."

Eyes wide with pride, Scott teases, "No, that can't be Cassie! That's not you."

"Yeah, it is!" Cassie challenges with a giggle.

"Yeah, it is." Maggie confirms.

"This is a professional gymnast!" Scott continues to gush over his daughter, "There is no way that's you."

"One day, I'm gonna be as good as Laurie!" Cassie grins up at her big sister - the seven year old's role model for better or for worse.

Which it probably is for worse but hey, she's funny and she can make up for a lot with that going for her.

Goes gently nudged his best friend's shoulder and Laurie's cheeks blush as Scott winks at his oldest, "I don't doubt it, Peanut."

Laurie praises the good Lord on high when the conversation shifts away from her and back to Cassie's cartwheel. Attention is not as much fun when it's about good behavior! Give her all the attention in the world when she's being all angsty and rebellious, but when she does somethin' good, she splits, as her favorite nimrod so elegantly put it, faster than his father who left him years ago.

(Insert a moment of silence for poor Gordo here.)

But the girl still nods contentedly from her father to her little sister, pretty pleased with how everything shaped out. And her best friend just smiles at her smiling face, knowing that she isn't looking at him, knowing she can't see him. But she's happy, and that's enough to make him happy too.

The whole situation might have been a little sketchy at the beginning involving abandonment, blackmail, bad superhero names, a few felonies, and an attack by a man off his meds, but it was totally worth it. In fact, Laurie and Gordo are up for Round #2!

"Hey, look it's Henry!" Gordo happily grins when Scott's new giant pet ant pokes his head out from underneath the table, looking up at the three kids.

Groaning, Laurie frowns and rolls her eyes, "Ugh, Gordon! I have told you, my son, the ant's name is Pickles!"

"Oh, come on, no way! He even looks like a Henry!" Gordo fights back, turning to his best friend's little sister for backup, "Doesn't he, Cassio?"

"Totally!" Cassie happily agrees as she sits between the two best friends.

"Great! You've turned my own little sister against me, you monster!" Laurie hisses dramatically before narrowing her eyes down at her sister, "You ought to be ashamed of yourself, traitor!"

Cassie just shrugs and smiles sweetly before feeding Henry some of her cheeseburger with a soft whispered, "Good boy."

"Sweetie-," Scott cuts in on the youngsters' conversation, still smiling, "That's pretty amazing, Peanut."

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