9 » king ant

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king ant "

" i'm a hold my cards close
   i'm a wreck what i love most
   i'm a first class let down
   i'm a shut up sit down  "
                imagine dragons!

"So, I just wanted to ask, is it too late to change the name or...?"

"Oo! Oo!" Laurie suddenly lets out a loud gasp, looking up from where she's been following Hank's orders of setting up the backyard for some tests, "Gordo, show him zee list!"

"The list?" Scott pulls his head back and furrows his eyebrows at the two kiddos, "What list?"

"Zee list!" Laurie repeats as if it should be obvious, readjusting the gnome by the azaleas.

"Zee- I mean, the list of all of the alternative superhero names you could use." Gordo is kind enough to actually detail the aforementioned "list", "There's some pretty swell ones I think you're gonna love."

"Alright, cool." Scott shrugs and turns his full attention on them, "Let's have 'em."

Gordo glances at Laurie and when she flashes an eager nod and smile, he straightens his shoulders, sucks in a tight breath, and prepares himself for this momentous experience.

And so, the nimrod starts listing off all the great ideas that he and his best friend spent precisely two hours and forty-seven minutes on, "Bug-Man. Mini-Man. Tiny Tim. Reverse Goliath. Scott, the Great and Puny."

"I came up with that one," Laurie whispers to her dad with a proud smirk.

"Never woulda guessed." Scott deadpans right back at her.

She winks.

"Um, lemme see, what's next?" Gordo squints at the blue lined yellow paper, readjusting his brown-rimmed glasses on his nose, "Tiny-ino. Shrinky Dink. Captain Smalls. The Shrinkster. And my personal favorite..." Gordo raises his eyebrows, the corner of his lips pulling into such a dorky and proud smile as he waits for the necessary dramatic pause, "King Ant."

A long silence follows in which the two teenages eagerly lean towards Scott, waiting to hear his take on their well thought-out superhero names.

"Ya know, I think I'm actually gonna stick with Ant-Man, but thanks guys."

Laurie clicks her tongue and finger-guns him.

"In the right hands, the relationship between man and suit is symbiotic." Hank informs Scott as he stands down the horror house's long and fancy-pants hallway, the man all decked out in his Ant-Man suit, "The suit has power. The man harnesses that power."

Gordo stands next to Hank with narrowed eyes, holding his notebook and pen ready while Laurie stands between him and Hope, chewing and popping her pink bubblegum. The fifteen year old boy has been very studious. The girl, well, she's been... less so.

Hmm, who woulda thunk?

"You need to be skillful, agile, and above all, you need to be fast." Hank continues on with the specifics that Laurie actually does try to pay attention to because - who knows? - maybe in some fantastical day in the future, Laurie will don a superhero suit of her own!

That would be WILD.

"Now dive through the keyhole, Scott." Hank gives the order loudly and proudly, "You charge big, you dive small, then you emerge big."

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