2 » catch & release

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" catch & release "

" life's too short to even care at all
   i'm losing my mind,
   losing my mind, losing control  "
             COUGH SYRUP
                 young the giant!

three years later

Lights flash across the TV as images and videos from around the world pop up. A clip of a convoy of trucks driving along a dirt-covered road in Afghanistan, an image of a panicked brunette girl in the middle of Malibu, a video of two redheaded females and two men battling a S.T.R.I.K.E. team on a causeway, robots fighting in Sokovia, and a scattering of other events all fade against a map of the world. The screen then reveals a stupid bottle blonde lady sitting behind a newsdesk with a stupid smile on her face.

News reporter turned WHIH newscaster, Christine Everhart.

It's no big deal, she's just debatably the worst woman in the world.

The lady crosses her arms together on top of the desk and she immediately delves into her topic of the day, "We recently revisited the story of Scott Lang, the disgruntled employee who stole nearly four million dollars from VistaCorp," an image of the massive Californian building appears on screen as Christine continues, "the international cyber security and data storage conglomerate based in San Francisco.

"With a few high profile burglaries already on record, it seemed Lang set his sights on a bigger score," Christine lifts her eyebrows as she shows the world the Lang family's dirty laundry.

"With a few high profile burglaries already on record, it seemed Lang set his sights on a bigger score," Christine lifts her eyebrows as she shows the world the Lang family's dirty laundry

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

A man wearing a matching outfit of a black beanie, pair of gloves, backpack, and jacket conquers the screen. His hands are raised above his head as the stinking red lights of the police cars' flash in the background.

"His allegations about VistaCorp participation in illegal activity split public opinion right down the middle," Christine demonstrates with her hands, slicing them down to her desk, "After serving just three years of a five year sentence in San Quentin, Scott Lang," his mugshot takes precedence and he looks, understandably, pretty grumpy, "is set to be released this week. Now, in his first interview since his incarceration, Mr. Lang is standing by via satellite."

The screen splits in two so that Christine is on one side and the man of the hour, Scott Lang, is on the other side. The man wears a blue-colored prison jumpsuit as he sits at a metal table. A prison guard can be seen in the background, just watching on in case Scott decides to do anything freaky.

The bottle blonde puts on a very fake and forced smile, "Mr. Lang, how are you?"

"Well, I'm still in prison so, you know..." Scott bobs his shoulders, boredly blinking, "bad. But I'm out of here pretty soon so that's good."

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