12 » heist gone wrong

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heist gone wrong "

"   stop feeling invisible
    and start feeling invincible   "

And finally, FINALLY the big day full of crime, espionage, theft, fancy ants, betrayal, super-suits, and a real good time arrives. The Heist Team are all in position throughout the depths of Pym Tech; Laurie working undercover with Hope, Gordo having left his own car to sit in the very dirty van with the two wombats, Luis sneaking in, Pym pulling up, and Scott in the sewers. They're all set and ready to go to rob some rando rich villain dude.

What could possibly go wrong?

"Alright, ladies and gents," Gordo so proudly announces over their party line, squinting at the video feed on Fran (his beloved laptop), "Ant-Man is in the building!"

"How ya doin', nimrod?" Laurie presses into her comm link like she sees everybody do in the movies, her heels clicking on the tile floor after Hope's, "Nervous yet?"

"Nah, I'm cool, I'm totally cool with this, yeah." Gordo's voice crackles in her ear, sounding just like the big ball of nerves he always is, "I am so calm right now!"

He is, in fact, not calm.

But Gordo continues, "But you know, I should be comfortable with this. After all, I grew up on the streets, so-,"

"Dude." Laurie makes a face, "You grew up in your mom's house?"

"Which overlooked a street!"

Laurie snorts and shakes her head, continuing following after a very determined Hope.

"Got a Crown Vic right outside there." Dave speaks up from beside Gordo, his eyes narrowed on a car across the street.

Kurt cocks his head to the side, "This is problem?"

Dave sighs as he squints at him, "Considering the Crown Vic's the most commonly used car for undercover cops, man, yes, this is problem."

"I'm deploying the bullet ants!" A miniature Scott announces from his spot in the rafters, "Papanera Claire de Merna Merna... I don't remember what it's called, but I feel bad for this guy!"

And down below, a disguise-wearing - and whistling - Luis stops in front of the server room from where he just took some poor guy out. The man nonchalantly clears his throat as he moves to stand beside another security guard.

"What's up, man?" Luis tries to blend in, giving a chill nod of the head.

The guard nods casually back, only to feel something kind of funny land on his shoulder. He brushes off his concern, thinking, 'hey, how could this go wrong'? Well, he is about to find out. Because suddenly them cute little biters start munching on his neck and then his hand and then he starts screaming. And Luis quickly shuts him up with one hard punch to his face. The guy collapses in a heap and Luis cheers and bounces, all giddy and excited that their plan (unlike most of them) actually worked.

"See?! That's what I'm talking 'bout-,"

"See?! That's what I'm talking 'bout-,"

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