11 » sorcery and finger guns

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sorcery & finger guns "

"   sometimes moms and dads fall out of love
     sometimes two homes are better than one
     somethings you can't tell your sister
     'cause she's still too young, yeah you'll
     understand when you love someone   "
               james tw!

"So, whaddya think, Nimrod? Impressed yet?"

Laurie and Gordo stare at Luis, Dave, and Kurt with inquisitive expressions. The three dudes stand around the old timey study of the mansion of doom, poking at some of the weird crap around in fascination. Or, wait, maybe it's not fascination. Actually, they may be potentially casing the joint. It's hard to tell.

Still watching the dudes, Gordo thoughtfully rubs his chin as Laurie sits on the desk beside him, resting an elbow on his shoulder. Scott and Hank stand a few feet away as Hope steps over to the table and sets down a couple of dark red mugs.

"Thank you for the coffee, ma'am!" Luis so politely polites, "It's not too often that you rob a place and then get welcomed back." He giggles, "Because we just robbed you!"

As Hank sighs, Laurie dorkily smirks and Gordo looks deep in consideration.

But Hope just frowns, giving Scott a deadpanned look, "You know that he was arrested for stealing a smoothie machine, right?"

"Two smoothie machines." Luis corrects, giving a goofy proud grin.

Laurie expectedly looks at Gordo.

The boy promptly nods and shrugs, "Respect earned."

Laurie beams in excitement, glad that her best friend approves of her dad's three weirdo friends/partners in crime (quite literally).

Hope sighs deeply, "Are you sure they can handle this?"

Scott opens his mouth to respond, but he doesn't get the chance.

"Oh, we can handle it!" Luis quickly cuts in, trying to be, like, confident or something, "We're professionals!"

Old Man Pym frowns, "You'll forgive us if we're not instilled with confidence."

The three wombats look ready to argue when Dave so proudly steps up, extending his hands and squinting his eyes, "Whoa, well, hey, everybody just kick back and relax a little bit, man. We know our business." Straightening up, Dave nods to the lanky teen with his chin, "Us and mah girl over there broke into this spooky-butt house, didn't we?"

Gordo gives his best buddy a dirty look, still not completely having forgiven her for trying to get thrown into prison and leave him behind.

"Ayyy." Laurie just fingerguns back at Dave.

Hank, however, is not impressed, "I let you."

Dave blinks, "Well, one could say that I let you let me."

Hank is still unimpressed (which is fair).

"Look, it's okay." Scott speaks up, trying to smooth out the tension and assuage some fears here, "They can handle this."

"Yeah, we can handle it!" Luis brushes it off with that everlasting big grin.

"You got their credentials?"

STINGER ▹ langOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora