Chapter 13: Origins

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Gym Class rolls around as the last hour of the day. It goes smoothly everyone is happy to see Pure except one fellow. Someone who hates Pure's guts and he just happens to be in class today. Pure gets back into his normal street clothes. He looks himself in the mirror and smiles. He looks nice today. He never really looked himself over before and not feel depressed but today he felt great. He walks outside of the locker room. 

He continues his walk down the hallway but, as he turns the corner he gets punched in the face and this knocks him back a bit. He shakes his head and looks at who punched him and rolls his eyes. "What is it now Seth? Your punches don't even hurt anymore." Seth looks at him with anger. "You were supposed to stay dead!" Seth then runs up and throws a punch at Pure who dodges it. "What do you mean I was supposed to stay dead?" Seth growls and shoves Pure. Pure then shoves back. "You were supposed to die in that crash!" Pure then realizes this. Seth knows about the crash but as far as he is aware no one ever told him. He is saying he was supposed to die implying he knew when the crash happened. So he must either been a witness or more likely set up the whole thing from the beginning. 

Pure's face turns from calm to anger and his hands start to electrify. "You planned for my death didn't you..? You wanted me to die from that crash..." Seth smirks. "Yeah, I planned it. I wanted you dead and I had someone take care of that for me. But, they seemed to fail." Pure looks at Seth with fire in his eyes. "You bastard!" Pure then punches Seth right in the jaw and this sends him flying to the ground skitting across the ground. Pure goes to almost blinding speeds and gets overtop of Seth. "You tried to kill me! You tried to take me from this world for your own selfish desires! You can't run this damn world, Seth!" Pure lifts his electrified fist above his head and grabs Seth by his shirt. Seth covers his face but Pure hits the floor by his face and the ground shakes. "But, I can save you from me." Pure gets up and pulls Seth up to his feet. "I'm giving you a second chance at dropping all this. Go on and run. I don't want to deal with this anymore Seth. I'm getting tired of it and everyone else is. You're lucky I'm not choking you out right now from trying to kill me. I have mercy on you don't screw it up." Seth looks on defiant but Pure gives an even more determined and menacing look. "Just go man, no one has to know this happened. Make the right and wise choice right now. Don't try to prove something to yourself." Seth walks off rubbing his jaw. Pure breathes in and out. Pure then sighs as he walks towards the front of the school. He sits down on a bench and waits.

After a while, Ava walks out of the school and sees Pure sitting there. Pure looks to her and raises his eyebrows and motions for her to come and sit by him. Ava nods and comes over and sits next to him. Pure then just sighs and pulls his knees up and places his forehead on his knees. "The first day back and this is what I have to come back too. A stupid tyrant of this school and I have to be the hero all over again..." Ava rubs the middle of Pure's back. "I can't say it'll be easy to take back to school. Yes, you have everyone behind you in this fight but Seth isn't particularly alone. He has his group of people. He has people everywhere so nowhere is safe from prying ears. I heard everything that happened not even 5 minutes ago. It wasn't hard to hear that scream fest and the punch you threw." Pure sighs. "I held back otherwise he would be dead if I didn't. That punch that shook the whole school. That was a sort of held back punched but I didn't go easy. I guess I'll have to break the tyranny that takes on here before I take out the FPC. I never thought I would ever have to take out my creators but I always knew I would have to. I got a story to tell you actually. How I came to be." Ava nods and puts her hands on her lap. "Mind if I hear this tale?" Pure turns his head and sees Charity and smiles. "Please come take a seat. I knew I was gonna have to tell this story to both of you some time." Charity smiles and walks over and leans in and whispers into Pure's ear and he blushes at what he hears. "G-Go a-ahead..." Charity smiles while blushing and takes a seat on Pure's lap and wraps her arms around his neck and Pure wraps his arms around Charity's waist to hold her up. 

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