The Meeting

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5 Months before the incident happened ~~

"Miss Gray, It's lunch time. You should take up your medicine and have meeting with Walter Corp at 2:30 p.m." informed my secretary through the intercom.

"Noted. Thanks, Andrea" I replied. She just nodded through my office's window. I'm quite blessed to have a caring and perfect secretary at the moment, though. Andrea is 19 years old girl with naturally curly honey hair and big sky blue eyes. She's quite tall compared to my 5'8 ft tall. And what I mean by at the moment was, she just passed her final and waiting for the results. In the meantime, she work for me as a secretary. I know that she's really young to work at a big company, but what can I say. She needs to pay for her education fees.

I actually gotta get her a fake ID so no one can catch me hiring a quite underage secretary. Sounds ridiculous, I know (eyes rolled). But that was according to Mr Ball-Ray, a bald, fat and short man in his late fifties. How I despised him for wasting the air in this Earth. He's just another pervert and cocky old man who doesn't know his place.🙄🙄

Back to the story,

I quickly eat the takeout sandwich that Andrea got me from the across Diner in my office. Tuna Croissant Sandwich, my favourite!!. I moaned at the divine taste. Andrea truly knows how to do her job to get the most healthiest yet delicious as heck sandwich from the best Diner in the city.😍😋 That's what I like about her. The observant - kind - of person. After savouring the freaking divinely sandwich, I quickly head to the meeting since it's already 2:23 p.m. I was halfway through the meeting when I totally forgot something

Great... The Medicine, I forgot my medicine. Mentally face palm myself  🤦‍♀
I started to get panicked. That freaking Medicine is really important to stabilize my anxiety and to prevent from any upcoming heart attack. I silently prayed that this meeting didn't get any worse than I expected.😖😖😩

I waited for like a couple of minutes while helping Andrea prepares everything that are needed. Soon, a masculine scents catch my breath followed by this dark brown hair and captivating emerald green eyes guy. He stood a good 6'5 ft tall.

My heart hammering hard through my rib cage. Thankfully I have a good rib that can keep my heart still in its place 🤣

"Uhurm.." I was back to reality by someone clearing his throat. I didn't even realise that I was staring at him for the good 2 minutes

I clear my throat, composing myself and politely greeted him.

"I apologise. My name is Tristan Lynne Gray CEO of Evynne Corp". I stretched my hand, introducing myself professionally as well as trying to hide my crimson red cheeks for being caught staring someone

"Apologise accepted. My name is Vincent Walter CEO of Walter Corp." He shakes my hand, smirk playing on his lips

"Well, It's a pleasure to have you here Mr Walter. Shall we begin our meeting?" I asked and he nods.
Everything works out well for a brief moment. We are discussing about a new project that are started to be built in couple of weeks.

As time flies... There are some uncomfortable feeling and pain in my chest. I decided to rub it a little and ignore it. I also started to feel lightheaded as the beads of cold sweats forming at my forehead

"So have you called the architects and contractors?" He asked me looking up from his notes. Noticing that I was silent for the past 3 minutes. Though it's weird that we both were counting

" Huh.. Yeah, I've done it yesterday. They were..... " I was cut short by me struggling to breathe.

"Lynne, Are you okay? Someone called the ambulance!!" The man in front of me rushed to catch me from falling.
Oh boy... How I love being in his muscular arms

Andrea being alerted as she is called the ambulance knowing the situation I was in.

Yep... Not a good situation one.
Oh God... I was having my very first heart attack.. God, save me. I don't want to die just yet.. I still didn't get to watch the newest X-men movie and I didn't get the chance to know Vincent better...


That's it people..
What do you think?
Feel free to give opinions and ask me anything...
Too dramatic?
Too boring?


Love ya! Thanks for reading!!

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