Jealousy Opens Minds (Deaky)

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"I'm heading out, baby. I'll see you after the show?" I nod while John kisses my forehead softly as he smiles. My heart flutters at the sight. John and I had been dating for two years now and I wouldn't change it for the world. Well maybe I would change his little fans. I watch as John heads out the door of our shared flat and I sigh loudly. John had auditioned for a band and I didn't really think much of it. I thought the guys were great! Freddie is an absolute treasure, Brian is so sweet, and Roger...he's Roger. I didn't think that one day they'd soon find out they got a record deal, a label, or management....I wish they were still just doing college and pub shows. I could deal with the few spastic women throwing themselves at my innocent John but now it just seemed insane as 'Queen' gets bigger and bigger. I remember Freddie mentioning a tour at one point and I don't think I could stomach that. What if John could find someone better this way? A girl that would literally do everything for him? More attractive? A groupie that's there with them everywhere? My head seems to spin when a knock sounds on the door. 

"Hey there! How's my favorite squish?" I blush and push Ryan slightly. Ryan has been my rock for forever. He was the reason how I met John in the first place. If he hadn't dragged me to the library I would have never seen the electrical student. I owed Ryan everything. 

"Shut up. Why are you even here? You said you and Lalani were going to meet her parents?" He sighed and sat at the kitchen island. I place a bowl of chips next to him and he smiles. 

"We were. I got nervous and told her I was sick so I could hang with you." I groan. This is the third time he's done this. 

"You know you've got to talk to her about this stuff. I can't always be there for you. I'm with John nearly all day and night." Ryan rolled his eyes, crossing his arms. 

"So why aren't you with John now? Aren't you worried he's with some blonde tattooed chick that doesn't always worry about where he is 24/7?" My heart drops and Ryan shrugs. I bite my lip trying to hold back tears and Ryan places a hand on my back. He grabs my purse for me. 


"Come on. Let's go see him play." I nodded and we made our way to the gig. To say Ryan was a little weird was understatement but he was still my friend. I smile softly as I see Freddie rush past me. The boys were my everything but I still feared Deaky leaving and forgetting me. Ryan's hand returns to my lower back as Deaky meets my gaze. The gig was getting crowded and soon enough I couldn't see my fluffy haired boyfriend. I sighed and turned to be met with Ryan's face infront of mine. 

"Woah! Ryan back up dude!" I try to push him back but he grabs my hands. My body begins to sweat as he stares into my eyes intensely. 

"Come on have a little's a party after all." He pulls me close to him and dances with me. What was his problem? I have to look for John. The music playing now wasn't them and i knew it. The passion of the band was gone and I knew they had to be meeting fans. I sighed and continued to dance with Ryan. The atmosphere felt tense and I knew I had to get away from Ryan. 

"Hey, I'm going to see, John!" I yell over the music and Ryan frowns. He takes my arm. 

"Why would want to see him? He's flirting with a red head right now!" My heart breaks at his words. Tears threaten to spill from my eyes but I try to stay strong. Of course there were other girls. 

"Ryan-" He pulls my body closer to his and I try pushing him away. He places his hand on my cheek. 

"Just relax." He closes his eyes and soon he's pulled away from my body. Tears are falling from my eyes and I see the band. Roger has his fists up and ready. John runs to my side. While Freddie walks to get a taxi and Brian crosses his arms behind Roger. 

"Get your hands off my girlfriend!" i pushed away from John and I shook my head. John followed me outside. 

"Am I really your girlfriend if you're looking fro other girls?!" I cover my arms in shame. He pulls me into his chest and sobs wrack my body. I pull on his shirt to get closer to him. He shushes me and smooths my hair down. 

"Eva, I'm so in love with you. Not for a second have I looked at other women. All i can ever think of is getting home to you and kissing your soft lips after a long day of recording. I can't even imagine being with another girl when I see myself with you forever." I look up at him and he smiles brightly. I sniffle. 

"Forever?" He starts tearing up. He kisses me softly. The passion I had been longing for had finally overcome the two of us. I wrap my arms around his neck and deepen the kiss. 

"I'd never leave you, Eva...You're my everything." He whispers into my ear. I go to kiss him again.

"Hey! No snogging on the streets! PDA isn't my forte!" Roger nags while Brian slaps him upside the head, laughing. 

"Unless it's him doing the snogging. Ryan's been booted out." I smile and John thanks him. 

"So are you bitches coming back to the party or what?" Freddie places a hand on my shoulder. I nod and pull John along with me. This is what tonight should have started with. John and I. 

"I love you, John." 

"And I love you, forever.." 


I"M SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG! Work has been pretty busy and I've been really lazy haha! Please enjoy! ~Jae

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⏰ Última atualização: Aug 07, 2019 ⏰

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