ch 12

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the guy shot at sakuya. that was when police came and arrested those guys.

the bullet passed through sakuya's chest. he was fainting and before falling on the floor he said," I kept my words.I saved you." then he smiled and fell on the floor. the police called the ambulance while she cried on his chest.

when the ambulance had arrived, she called masami and told him to come to the hospital.

          (in the hospital)

sakuya was in the ICU.

masami was standing in front of ICU and was starring at him. the other doctors had already explained masami about sakuya's condition.

when masami saw Aine coming towards the ICU, he sighed in grief.

" how is sakuya now?" she asked.

" he's alright. he'll be conscious soon." he said.

" good. um..can I see him?" she asked.

masami held her hands and pleaded," Aine, promise me that you won't see sakuya chan ."

she was of course surprised to hear this. she asked," why masami?"

"I think it's time. some or the other day you will know about it. so it's good if you know it now. listen Aine, it's very important. listen carefully" masami said. he then took a long breath and continued,"sakuya-kun and Mia were in relationship since they both turned 16. they've been together since then. Mia is Mr.ukyo's daughter. one day I got so ill that I wasn't even able to stand. our parents are not usually around. when I was 12 years, they left us. actually, they're so busy in their trips. so, we brothers have to work and take care for each other. when I was ill, sakuya decided to work as we needed money. sakuya started from there. the publishing house. he met Mia over there and fell in love with her. even when I was alright, he still continued to work because of her. you know Aine, he was really good at work. he was like the best editor. one day he published something ill about a celebrity. that was true what he wrote and published. Mia knew that the celebrity was a man with strong relations. she was scared that he might hurt sakuya kun. and that happened. some people came in order to gave punishment to him. but he wasn't scared at all. the day when they stormed there in that office, they asked for him. but Mia had told him to hid behind his table. she was really scared and so she called the police. sakuya kun couldn't see her in that condition, so he moved towards her in order to comfort her. she tried to stop him as the shooters were warning him. they said if he'll move, they'll shoot but he didn't notice that at all. his only purpose was to comfort her. they shot at him but she stood in front of him and bullet went through her. before falling on the floor she told him that she had saved him. she was dead till then. sakuya-kun still thinks that it was his fault.he still works over there because he's stuck there. he's still stuck in that time, in past. he always regretted that he couldn't save her. but you repeated the history. but this time he saved you. he's been in a dazzling state, Aine. he's relating Mia to you. he thinks that even god shed his tears while taking away Mia from him. so now he's compensating for what he did. he thinks that he got back mia's soul in your body. you don't know Aine, when she died, he tried to kill himself many times. he wanted to follow her everywhere. you know, this happened two years ago. but still it seems impossible for sakuya to forget about it. he's not struggling between life and death but his fantasy and reality. he can't accept the truth that Mia has gone away and will never come back. I don't want you to meet him because you'll remind him of her. I'm just asking to limit your meetings with him. it's not only good for him but for you too. you don't know Aine, time has been pushing you both in a dark place. run away from there till you see the light. otherwise it'll be too late. and you both will be trapped there forever! you might find it hard to do  this right now. but you have to do it. please!"

" um..I..I. " she muttered then she took a long breath and said," I understand masami. I too don't want to trouble him anymore. I'm sorry. I'll do what you said masami!"

" don't apologize. I should have told you about this earlier." he said.

" okay masami , then I think I should go. please tell me when sakuya will be alright." she said.

" of course I'll inform you about it. don't worry, okay." he said and then she left the hospital. outside the hospital she saw narushi.

she ran towards him and pushed him. "you did it! didn't you!" she yelled at him.

" I'm sorry. but I already informed you about this!" he said.

" you killed him!" she again yelled.

" no. I didn't.ugh. sasuke...!! but I know who have done this. just listen,  it's not over. run away. here's your ticket to USA. tonight is your flight. please don't ignore it this time. just run, okay." he said.

" what?! what do you mean?" she asked. she was still confused. she thought that " the worst" has already happened. what can be worse than this?!

" your life's still in danger. please run away. I'll take care about everything else." he said and handed him the tickets. then he went. because of her, sakuya is on a hospital bed. she can't bare more to trouble anyone. she had to over this. and maybe running away was the best solution. she went home and packed her all stuff in her bag. she then quickly went to Mr.ukyo and told him that she won't work any longer there. she told him that she's leaving the country. Mr ukyo gave her salary for working for almost a month and blessed her. she then went to airport. her flight will leave after few minutes. she didn't want to leave her country but that was the only choice she had.she called ukyo and asked him about sakuya's health. he told her that's he's alright and has gained consciousness. he asked her that where's she. she told him that she's in airport. he didn't expect her to be there. he told him that he didn't mean her to go so far away. she was going to explain him the reason when a receptionist interrupted, "excuse me ma'am, I'm sorry to disturb you but can you please come outside for a second. a man who says he is your friend needs to meet you urgently! if you don't mind ma'am, then can you please..?" " friend? um. okay. " she said and then left with her.

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