movie night confession ( p.p )

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You didn't know when it started, but you and Peter have been doing monthly movie nights for quite a long time. You think it started when he invited you over to watch all the Star Wars movies. Now, it seemed to just be a tradition you both had. On the third Saturday of every month, you would get together and binge watches many movies. It was a sweet thing that you did as close friends and you promised never to miss a single movie marathon.

It usually happened at Peter's apartment, mainly because he dealt with his spider-man duties before and occasionally just watch the movies in his suit. Of course, Aunt May already had found out, so seeing him on the couch next to you in a spandex suit was nothing new to her. You, on the other hand, had found out when he turned up late to one of your movie nights and slipped into his room through the window. You about screamed when hearing the window open suddenly and unfortunately for him, he hit his head on the window and trapped inside. It had been a night of ranting at him and venting about how it wasn't safe or if something happened.

You and Peter sat next to each other on his bed, his laptop opened and playing the classic movie, the notebook. Yes, you both were watching a romance movie. It was surprising, but Peter begged you to watch it, wanting to catch a glimpse of the classic he heard so much about. After a bunch of teasing, you and he had a bowl of popcorn and watched the film closely.

Yawning a bit, you had your head on Peter's shoulder, unaware of how tense he was and how much he was blushing. "What time is it," you whispered, yawning as you spoke.

" It's three in the morning... " he mumbled, shifting slightly. His chocolate brown eyes were focused on the laptop screen, but he rubbed them tiredly, glancing down at you and your relaxed state. You looked so pretty to him, even if you were half asleep. He sighed softly looking back to the screen. Only minutes later the movie finished.

Peter once again sighed softly, glancing over at you once again as the credits rolled. He trapped his bottom lip between his teeth nervously before blurting out, " y/n I have a confession to make. "

" Mhm?" you mumbled softly. " If you're telling me you're spider-man again I'm dumping these kernels on your head. "

He gulped slightly, his chocolate brown eyes still on you and your tired figure. Finally, after the longest hesitation, he blurted out," y/n I'm in love with you."

You seemed to be wide awake at his words, seeing as your eyes grew in size and your heart seemed to stop. " W-what?"

"I'm in love with you," he repeated softly. "I have been for a while, to be honest. it's just... we've been the closest friends and I've fallen in love with every aspect of you and your life. "

The softest of smiles appeared on your soft lips as you sat up, staring at the boy who was fifty shades of red at the same time. You leaned forward, brushing a strand of your h/c behind your ear. As you leaned forward, your nose brushed against Peter's nose as you pressed your lips against his, leading him into a soft and memorable kiss. At first, Peter tensed up in surprise, this being his first kiss. out of all things he expected, a kiss would be the last one on the list. The kiss was gentle, maybe even delicate, and he felt that if he did one thing wrong, you would break and slip through his fingers like sand. He loved the kiss more than anything and he shyly moved his hand to your waist and the other to your cheek, cupping it. It was to validate the feeling that you were there. When you pulled away, both you and Peter laughed silently, foreheads pressed against each other.

You quietly whispered to him," I love you too." That night- technically that morning- ended with you both snuggled in his bed, bodies pressed against one another lovingly as you drifted off to sleep, your head against his chest and his arms around you protectively.

━━₊˚.༄ thank you for reading this.
this was simply a short little blurb
i have written. sending lots of love.

𝘀𝗽𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗴𝘂𝘆  ,   t. holland imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now