"I will see you later," he said and wiped something off my cheek.

"Am I crying?" I asked.

"Only a little bit," he said and kissed my cheek.

"I better go before I decide not to go," he said. I nodded and kissed him one more time.

"I will see you later. Call me when you land," I said. He nodded then took his luggage and backpack.

"Goodbye," I said.

"No, no. It's see you later. No goodbyes," Jack said and kissed me again. I smiled, "okay then, see you later Frosty."

"See you later Snowflake," Jack said then walked towards the doors. He waved and I waved back one last time before he went inside.

Man, am I going to miss that boy so much. I will see him on Christmas hopefully.

I got back inside our car and drove back home to our apartment. It will be so weird when he's not here with me...

~Time skip~
    ~late night on December 23rd~

Today was a loooooonnnnngggg daaaayyyyyy....
We are still filming Frozen Fever and even after that we will start filming Olaf's Frozen Adventure. It's exhausting because our rehearsals are starting to be longer and some of the extras are leaving so we have to find new extras. It's all just been really stressful since Jack left.

Jack... I haven't stopped thinking about him since he left. I miss that boy so much. Well he's a man but still. I wish he were home. I bought his Christmas present on Black Friday. I hope he likes it.

I am currently just barely getting home. Angel has warmed up to me a lot lately. She would usually sit somewhere else when Jack isn't home. But now she sits with me all the time. She must miss him too.

I went straight to the kitchen once I entered the apartment after locking the door. I went to the fridge to find something for me to eat. It's late and I guess left overs will have to do tonight.

After I put my leftovers in the microwave I went to get Angel her dinner. I found her dog bowl and put her dog food in her bowl.

"Angel, dinners ready," I said. She came running into the kitchen with her tail wagging like crazy. She made me giggle.

She's the cutest dog. How did I go almost my entire life without a dog? That I will never know the answer to.

The microwave beeped letting me know that my food was ready too. I grabbed a fork and walked to our dining room table and sat down to eat.

I sighed. It's not the same when Jack isn't here. Jack had texted me a few days ago saying he might not be able to make it home. Which honestly broke my heart a little. I'm just trying to look at the bright side. He said might not be able to make it home. I'm hoping he will make it.

I finished eating my food and decided to put my plate away and put it in the dish washer. Angel was already elsewhere. She probably beat me to our bedroom already. She always sleeps with Jack and I on our bed. Even though when we first moved in, Jack said only for tonight. That obviously didn't stick but I don't mind it. She likes to cuddle.

I walked to our bedroom and saw Angel already laying down on the bed. I'm going to join her after I change. Once I changed I laid down and it wasn't long until I fell asleep.


Jack's POV:

It's currently morning here in England. My day has barely started. We are blocking everything for this film and going over it a lot that way we all have it down. It's exhausting. They told me that if we get ahead of schedule we get to go home for Christmas only. But with the way things are going right now... it's like a 50/50 chance. I'm not sure if I'll make it home for Christmas. It will depend on how today goes.

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