Chapter 5

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"Are you going to tell me your name? Or what happened to you?" Niall asked, looking at me intently. I thought about answering him, but decided against it.

He smiled and nodded. "I guess not. I am however going to give you something to eat. You look like you haven't eaten in weeks." He said, getting up and walking to the kitchen.

I frowned, dissapointed in myself for not being able to resist the offer.

I slowly followed Niall, not taking my eyes off of him. "You can sit down over there. Your leg looks painful." He said, pointing to a chair sitting on the side of the counter next to three others.

I sat down, cringing as pain throbbed in my side. "You can calm down you know. Me and Harry aren't going to hurt you. We'll take care of you." He said softly, placing a plate of unknown substances infront of me. 

I felt stupid for not knowing what was infront of me. But in a manner I couldn't blame myself. All I've ever known was bread and chicken. 

I slowly took the crispy, fatty streak of meat and took a small bite. The delicious taste filled my mouth and I almost moaned of delight. I quickly groveled down the food, scared that it might dissapear if I stop eating. 

"Are you trying to choke yourself to death now too?" Harry's voice came from behind me. I spun around in my seat and looked at him. He was leaning against the wall, his tattood arms crossed over his chest. 

"Harry... Stop it." Niall said. "Calm down, I'm only joking." Harry said. "You're offensive. She doesn't need it." Niall deffended.

"It's okay." I said softly. 

Both of them looked at me in surprise. I was surprised myself. I didn't plan on speaking to them this soon. 

Harry searched my eyes and slowly walked towards me. Our eyes didn't leave each other's as he stood infront of me. "Who are you?" He asked. My stomach made a weird fluttering feeling at the closeness of him. I felt compelled to answer him. "Tessa... My name's Tessa." I answered.


I know this was a short chapter guys! Please forgive me. I'm bad at filler chapters. Please comment like and follow if you like the story!

QTC: why do you guys think Tessa felt compelled to answer Harry?

All my love


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