The New Base part 1

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We just got done packing up the old base and headed towards the factory. I looked around to see James and Ben are talking. I felt someone wraps their arms around my waist.

"So, you think it's a good idea for him to join us?" Liz asked.

"I don't know but we need someone  that is skilled with electoral because we are going to need it," I sighed hating it. 

"Yeah good point," Liz whispered, resting her head on my shoulder.

"But we should get going," I said. She nodded," Alright lets get moving before night fall!" I shouted to everyone, "You know your groups and James, you will be with us," I said, wanting to keep an eye on him.  James nodded and walked towards the car.  I whistle for the four canine. They all jumped in the back seat where James is. I smiled at the sight.

"Alright, let's move out!" Liz shouted. We pulled out of the little store and headed to the factory. I glance back to James. He was not happy being in the back seat with three wolves and German Shepherd.  

"How you doing Million?" I asked him, feeling him laying his snout on my shoulder. I quickly rubbed his face before returning my hand to the wheel.

"Million? Why would you name a dog that?" James asked.

"Because it was a one and  a million chance that we would find a dog in this," Liz explain, "But Sam we got to give the three wolves a name?" Liz suggested.

"Alpha, Beta, Delta," I replied, glancing at her.

"Seriously, where did you guys find them at?" James asked.

"At our new location," I said, looking in the rearview mirror. I can see that the wolves are starring harshly at James.  I rolled my eyes and focus on the road. 

~Time skip

We made it to the factory.  I looked around before letting the canine out of the backseat. I looked over at the semi.

"Hey guys, we should set up a make sift camp until morning," I suggested.

"Yeah," Ben said, looking over at us then back to Alice.

"Come on, James," I said, trying to pull him out of the backseat.

"No way in hell," He said, looking at the four canine.

"I don't care what you think," I said, using more force. I pulled him out with him landing on the floor, "You got to help us set up and then you can sleep," I said, turning my back towards him. We got all the fences out and set up for the night tomorrow we will get started with the main and hopefully permeant base.

"Have you thought of helping any survivors?" James asked, putting up the electoral fences.

"Well, we didn't have anyone coming by our place when got set up. We wanted a bigger base just in case we get any," I whispered, starting the fire.

"So, you're not cold hearted as some people, I ran into," James said, sitting down.

"Yeah, I guess so but if you cross me. I will kill you and so will she," I said pointing back at my girlfriend, Liz.

"So, how long since you all of you know each other?" he asked.

"I know Ben and Alice since first grade. Liz, I known since sophomore year of high school," I said, leaning back on the ground.

"Sam?" Liz called.

"Yeah, sup babe," I wonder as I got off the ground.

"So, we how are we going to survive the night?" Alice asked.

"One will keep watch while everyone sleeps and continue to do this until the base is built" I said, crossing my arms. I looked around, "I will watch tonight."

"Sam," Liz counter.

"No, I'll  watch," I stated, pushing her off to bed. I grabbed my guns and walked away from the fire. I sat on the ground watching the shadow of the night, seeing if any of them move. 

I looked around and caught nothing. I felt something soft laying on my hand. I looked down to see the black wolf.

"Hey, Alpha. What are you doing up?" I asked him. He just laid his head on my lap, "I know it's going to be a long night," I stated and petted the black wolf head.

~The next morning.

"Morning everyone," I said, walking back to the camp site.

"Had any trouble last night?" Ben asked, looking at me.

"No but today we should start on the base," I said, looking at both James and Ben.

"Yeah," James said. I nodded. I walked over to grab some food.

"You should get some sleep, babe," Liz said concerning. 

"I will," I said, taking a bite of beacon. I walked over to my car and lay down in the front seat with Alpha laying on the floor of the car.


I saw that Alpha was following Sam to the car. I guess they grew a bond last night.  I looked towards Beta and Beta looked up at me. I walked slowly to the 1967, black. four door, Chevy impala. Sam was sleeping soundly with Alpha laying on the floor next to her. I grabbed my phone and took a picture of it.

"Liz!" I heard Alice yelled. I ran towards her.

"Yeah sup," I asked, when I got to her. 

"I think we should have one person to do any all nighters then having different people," Alice stated, looking at me.

"So what are you implying?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"I think that Sam should do the night watch," Alice said. I heard the car door slam shut. I looked towards the car and saw Sam and Alpha walking towards us.

"Hey guys, what you talking about?" Sam asked yawning and stretching.

"Alice, think that we should have one person to do the night watch all the time," I growled," She think that you should."

"That might be better, then what my plan was," Sam said, walking away from me.

"Really?" I asked angrily, uncrossing my arms.

"Yeah, because if we have someone doing the night watches all the time. They adjust to it and since I already started doing means I will do the night watch," she said, walking up to the ration and grabbing an apple. Sam walked back to the car and shut the door with Alpha still following her. I decided to follow her to the car. I looked in the passenger's window. I saw her laying there. I opened the car door, lifting her head up and placing it on my lap. Beta jumped into the car as well.

"Do really think it's a good idea?" I asked her, moving her hair out of her face.

"I don't know," Sam yawned, closing her eyes. I could feel her snuggling close to me.

"You know you have to do this until the base is completely build, right?" I asked.

"mhm," she hummed, "I just hope that they hurry."

"Me too," I whisper, watching as her chest raise and fall.

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