How it all Started

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It was as the sun  was setting on a calm evening. The fire was slowly dying but little did we know that the end of the world was happening.  Sam(Weapon expert), Liz(ex-military), Alice(Doctor), Ben(Builder)


"Hey, Ben can you go get some more fire wood?" I asked. I'm the oldest one here but not by much.

"Sure," He said, getting up to get some fire wood.  I looked at Liz, who was watching the fire.

"Liz," I called out, trying to get her attention.

"Sup, Sam?" She asked, not facing me.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"I don't know," Liz said, looking away from the fire.

"Have you guys notice, how quiet it is?" Alice asked.

"Now, that you mention. Yeah it's," Liz said, looking at the interstate. I looked around and notice that all the car stopped.

"Guys, I think there is something else going on," I said, looking very closely at the interstate.

"Like what?" Ben said.

"AHHH!" all of us screamed besides Ben.

"God damn, Ben," I said, holding my hand over my heart.

"Sorry but that was to easy," He smirk.

"Well back to what you were saying, Sam," Liz got everyone to focus on me.

"I think something serious is going on. We should get going," I said, looking at all of them.

"But where?" Alice asked.

"Well, if my hunch is right somewhere safe and hard to get in," I said, thinking of places that match my description.

"Walmart, the mall," Liz started to list.

"Jail," Ben added. Everyone chuckled but me.

"I'm serious," I said, looking at my phone.

"But why?" Ben asked.

"Look at the interstate. Tell what do you see?" I asked them, making my way towards the house.

"That none of the cars are moving," Alice stated.

"Exactly but why aren't  they moving?" I asked, making my way inside.

"Sam, what are you doing?" Liz asked.

"Getting things that we might need," I said, grabbing a cooler and some suitcases.

"Okay, let's get packed up and start going before whatever cause the cars on the interstate to stop to come here," I said, quickly packing things in. About thirty minutes later, we got everything that we needed packed up. I made my way to my black Chevy Impala from 1967.  I popped the trunk and put the stuff inside. I close the trunk and got the car started. Ben and Alice took the back seat as for Liz and I took the front. I started to drive off down the road.

~Hour later

We just made it into the city. I kept focusing on the road, pulling off the interstate and onto the off ramp.

"SAM!" I slammed on the breaks. I looked at everyone to make sure they were okay.

"What the hell is that?" Liz said, pointed at something moving in the bushes.

"I don't know and frankly I don't care," I said, pressing on the gas pedal and took off. I looked for a place to set up for the night. I heard the radio go on.

End of the WorldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora