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It's been a couple years since Shadow was born. Shadow was a problematic child. He stole Ronald's mccigarettes to act cool, but in harsh reality he really wasn't. Shadow turned out to be a scene kid, and all he did was sit in his room and listen to Blood on the Dance Floor. Shrek and Ronald realized that they did not love their child, but they still loved each other.

A year before, Shrek and Ronald wanted to go to Chuck E Cheese, but by themselves. So they called up a babysitter, Brady. He never said his last name, so god knows what it really was. He could've even been lying about his first name. His actual name could possibly have been John. Once again, god knows. 

Brady was left alone with Shadow. Brady was watching fantasy football on Shrek and Ronald's television. Shadow was feeling to be a naughty boy, a very naughty little boy. Shadow pitter patted over to where Ronald kept his matches. He lit one up and snuck up on Brady. Long story short, Brady caught on fire and died.

Shrek and Ronald never trusted Shadow again.

Shrek and Ronald sat in their living room. Shrek sighed deeply. "Oh Ronald, where did we go wrong?" Ronald didn't know. He took a deep breath of his mccigarette before responding. "I...I don't know."

Ronald nodded. "We really need to do something, Ronald," Shrek continued. "Shadow is only 10. He can and will get worse. He really can." Shrek started to sob. "I just wanted a happy family."  Ronald lowered his head. He needed to do something. For the both of them.

Ronald walked into Shadows room in the closet. He took a glance at Shadow. Disgusting. Shadow scrunched his face. "What do you want, dad." Shadow said nastily. Ronald tried to respond in his 'nicest' tone, "I have a surprise for you." Shadow raised an eyebrow. "You have to close your eyes, though." Shadow obliged and closed his eyes. Ronald reached down and lifted up Shadows ten year old body. 

Ronald walked outside with Shadow. He took Shadows body and tossed it into the same swamp waters that Puss in Boots and Donkey drowned in. Shadow started to drown. "Curse you, father! Curse you, I hope you die of the same fate as your foul friend Barry!" Shadow shouted. Shadow finally sunk down the swamp waters, with only a single gloved hand showing. Ronald pushed the hand down and never saw a trace of his son again. He took his mcciggarette and flicked it.

Shrek x Ronald McDonaldOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz