"Angela wait."

A single tear slips falling down my cheek at his worried voice and I almost turn back around just to search for the comfort I know I will always find in his arms but I stop myself. What has happened to me? Since when have I started to bluntly admit for my feelings to anyone? Just a couple of weeks ago I could have sworn I loved none but now I've got a handful of people in my life that it will hurt me to let go at the end of this trip.

"No Austin I must go. Thank you...for everything." I respond trying my hardest to keep my voice strong but it crack softly on my last word.

It's silent for a moment as I will myself to walk out the door.

"You’re welcome..." He whispers just as I step out.

Another tear slips down my face but I whip it away. Time for a face of anger, no more tears. I have to stop letting myself get emotional over everything. I push away my hurt emotions and focus on my anger. I love anger, it's so passionate.

Arriving at Jackson residence I spot Waylon and Molly in the midst of a passionate kiss off to the side of the barn. Usually I'd at the very least give Waylon props for not being a complete dick towards his pregnant wife but not today. I throw the truck into park turning it off at I jump out.

"Nikki go pack, we leave for Starks' tonight. I'm done with not knowing. If I can defeat one demon tonight, life just might get better" I order almost to myself but Nikki catches my words.

She nods silently staring at me for a moment before walking off in the direction of the house. I take a deep breath preparing myself for the second battle of the day. Just as I take a step Nikki turns.

"The demon you know is better than the demon you refuse to acknowlege." Nikki whispers before entering the house.

I almost stop to wander her words but I'm losing the patients. I have to deal with James and then we're off to deal with Stark. We've both been dreading this trip but I don't think I can handle spending the night with James tonight plus we need to woman up and face Stark. The sooner the better.

After I practically ordered Nikki to pack a suit case for our trip to visit Stark I walk, well  more like stomp into James' room coming face to face with him. If you were to compare me to an animal right now I'd be a vicious wild wolf who's been beaten, starved, and is angry as hell.

At James's appearance I no longer feel weak or hurt I feel pure anger rage through me. I want to rip him to shreds for disrespecting me. For the years of infidelity that has make me so heartless. Pretending to be perfect in front of others is one thing but never has he shown me any lack of disrespect and he will not begin now.

I debate on whether I should argue with him or scream at him or maybe throw random things around the room. For a moment I'm aiming towards the third option but when I catch sight of James angry stance all of a sudden I just don't want to be angry. I feel so completely drained as if I've spent years angry and when I deeply consider of it I have. I haven't felt anything other than bitter anger for so long that now that I've felt a tiny sliver of happiness and peace I don't want to go back to dark anger. James strides up to me the outrage practically seething off his presence and it only makes me more tired. I ignore him walking past him to pack my suitcase. He needs to at the very least think he doesn't affect me.

A furious growl like noise erupts in the room making me jump but I quickly disguise it. 

"You will not ignore me! How dare you go out and spend the night with him. You and that slut of a sister probably shagged him together." James accuses practically seething.

My hand freezes as I'm about to place a pair of blue jeans in my suit case.

"Excuse me?" I say my voice strangled as if venom itself is dripping off my words.

"You do not speak badly about my sister, ever." I screech spinning around to face him.

I walk up to him until were chest to chest and all I want to do is rip him to shreds. No one disrespects my family, ever.

"You will never say anything against my family or my friends, ever." I order my voice hard but I sound creepily calm.

James stares at me and I back up going back to packing. I finish my suit case quickly.

"I'm leaving, I cannot estimated the date of my return. Try not to be a complete prick while I'm gone because I will not deal with it." I tell him my voice cold.

I turn to leave the door suit case in hand. I don't turn back to look at James but I can almost smell the rage oozing off him. I feel something within me twitch. This is all too familiar but at the same time different. Our fights back in New York ended a lot like this expect it was usually him walking away from me and to a new girl or should I say between a new girls legs.

James is famous for seeking revenge on anyone deemed worth it. He cheated on me multiple times back in New York I just I wonder if he's brave enough to dare form any revenge on his fiancé. 

Not His JulietМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя