Story 1: Prom Night

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Song: Take My Breath Away but you're at prom watching you crush dancing with someone else by l0user

Original Artist: Berlin

   Adam knew moping around was pathetic.

   Especially moping at his senior prom.

   He'd gotten a few concerned stares as he continuously shoved his mouth with marshmallows, chocolate strawberries, and cheese bits for the past five minutes. He felt like he'd just come out of a rom-com as one of the lonely, sad secondary characters. The only thing missing was a pint of ice cream and someone to swoop him away from the misery. But one, there wasn't any damn ice cream, and two, nobody swooped him off his feet. Apparently, he's too heavy for that.

   Adam, in spite of the little voice in his head telling him to stuff his suit pockets with junk food and walk away from prom, searched for his best friends. He knew they'd be dancing, of course. Both were the presidents of their respective dance clubs.

   He didn't miss the way his breath hitched as he saw his friends dancing, and he felt like a fool for reacting.

   Roderick and Anna danced like they were made to dance, no, to be together. The slow song that played was perfect for the atmosphere.

   Adam felt his chest tighten, and that only made him feel even more foolish.

   Anna's smile was carefree. Her eyes shone with unspoken love. Roderick returned the smile, but the "I love you" Anna held in her gaze was whispered in her ear instead. At this, both shared even more heart melting smiles. How that was possible, Adam didn't know.

   Adam immediately noticed his best friends had taken a liking to each other when he introduced them. Both had been friends of his since middle school, but he'd never introduced them to each other since they were from different friend circles. He didn't believe in love at first sight, but the beautiful smiles that Anna and Roderick shared when they met were straight out of a fairytale.

   Did Adam regret introducing them to each other? As much as his hurt feelings tried to debate it, Adam didn't harbor any hate or bitterness. Who was he to stop it? The contradictions of love were fastidious, but he shrugged them all off.

   He walked up to them hesitantly.

   Roderick turned his head towards Adam. "You're looking glum, Apple. Go fetch a dance partner. If you're feeling risky, go ask someone for their drink. It's prom night!" He flashed him his dorky smile.

   Anna looked his way, and smirked. "Apps, your ass looks depressed. Tasha has her stash in her car if you're interested. The variety that girl has is fucking impressive"

   How dorky Roderick and shameless Anna got together was beyond him. All he knew was that it worked out perfectly.

   Adam chuckled, pushing aside the hurt from earlier. "Nah, getting blackout drunk will get me in trouble, not a partner."

   Anna and Roderick laughed, pulling away from each other. They turned towards him. Anna put her hands on her hips as Roderick wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "Who knows, maybe you'll wake up in the back of someone's car and BOOM you got yourself a romance straight out of a movie." Anna said, waving her arms around. They way she used her hands to express her feelings made for an amusing sight.

   Adam rolled his eyes. "Or a kidnapping..." All three chuckled.

   Joking around made Adam feel a bit better. He wasn't a third wheel, the couple never made him feel that way, but staying around meant seeing them cuddle and kiss, so he always walked away after a while. He gave them their privacy. He returned to the snack tables and proceeded to stuff his face again.

   Prom wasn't as great as he thought it would be.

   Maybe it was because his stomach was hating him for his stress eating, or because he regretted not getting along with more of his peers to at least hold a pleasant conversation and have fun...

    No, it was definitely the fact that Adam  was in love with his best friend and they were dancing with his other best friend in the most romantic way possible.

    Prom fucking sucked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2019 ⏰

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