Chapter 2

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Jesse woke up to the rays of bright sunlight shining radiantly on her face.

Jesse had to force her weary self up. She couldn't be late. Jesse yawned, stretching her arms wide before swinging her legs over her bed.

She groggily got up to her feet and opened her dresser.

She examined her clothes that were neatly folded and choose her white Aeropostale shirt and a pair of denim shorts.

She sighed as she put her clothes on the bed. She really hoped her mother wasn't still home.

Jesse changed out of her overalls and quickly slipped on her shorts, putting one leg in and then the other.

Then she slipped on her white shirt and looked at herself in the mirror that was across the room for a spilt-second.

Jesse unlocked her door and walked down the stairs taking two at a time. She quickly walked into the kitchen and looked inside the pantry.

Jesse sighed heavily, when she saw that their wasn't even a scrap of food in the pantry.

Jesse pondered over how lucky she was to have escaped her mother especially with just a slap in the face. Her mother often striked her whenever she was extremely upset with her and one time she injured Jesse so bad that she was hospitalised for a few weeks.

What pissed Jesse off the most was that her mother played dumb and told the doctor's a whole different story. Jesse just couldn't wait to get out of here.

Jesse quickly ran back upstairs and into the bathroom.

She was rather surprised when she turned the faucet, seeing that actual hot water pumped out of it.

Jesse splashed water all over her face and water ran down her cheeks.

Blindly, Jesse reached for her face towel. It took a few moments before her hands finally gripped the soft fabric.

She wiped off all the warm water on her face and then quickly began brushing her teeth.

Mint flavoured toothpaste glided across her teeth and her grip on her toothbrush was rather firm.

Once Jesse was done she grabbed her backpack, rushed out the house, locked the front door and headed to River Bend highschool.

Once she got there she instantly searched for Reuben.

Honestly Jesse wouldn't be very surprised if he was hanging out by the cafeteria, but she sorta had her doubts about that.

Her phone vibrated in her pocket for a few moments and then Jesse checked her phone.

Reuben had texted, telling her to meet him in the library when she got there.

Jesse put her phone back in her pocket and walked swiftly towards the library.

Jesse honestly couldn't help but wonder where her brother was.

He often left the house way earlier than her so not seeing him in the morning wasn't really a surprise anymore.

Jesse wouldn't be very surprised if he was hanging out with his girlfriend.

Jesse continued her stroll, brushing past student's who were too busy being chatterboxs to notice her pushing past them.

Jesse made it to the library, opened the large door and walked in.

As expected, the library was quiet and very few people were around.

Reuben instantly spotted her and quickly led Lukas to her.

"Lukas this is Jesse," Reuben said, his warm gaze switching hastily between the two.

"Jesse this is Lukas," Rueben said softly as he gestured to Jesse.

"Nice to meet you," Lukas said and stretched out his hand.

Jesse gladly shook it.

His hand was soft and warm compared to Jesse's freezing hand.

Jesse took in Lukas' appearance. His blue eyes were like diamonds and his eyes glimmered like the star in the night sky.

His perfect hair was the color of gold and he smiled warmly.

"So uh... What classes do you have?" Lukas asked while rubbing the back of his neck.

Reuben returned to walking around the library, leaving the two alone.

"Y'know Algebra 2, anatomy, social studies and umm... Art," Jesse said, putting her cold hands in her pockets, "Oh and spanish."

Lukas nodded, "Cool. Cool."

"So what classes do you have?" Jesse asked, cocking her head to the side.

"All the common core subjects that you mentioned... Of course. Um, I take a piano class and journalism," Lukas said, crossing his arms over his chest.

Jesse nodded and muttered a faint cool.

Lukas looked familiar to Jesse, but the memories of him were just so faint.

"I recognize you from somewhere but...," Lukas trailed off and Jesse was about to ask him a question when the bell suddenly rung.

"Well I have to go. I'll see you later," He said.

He started walking to the door, but Jesse stopped him, grabbing him by the arm. "Lukas wait."

Jesse let go of his arm as he turned to her. Jesse bit her bottom lip.

"It was nice meeting you Lukas."

"It was nice to meet you too Jesse," Lukas said then hurried out of the library.

Reuben then approached Jesse and walked her to her next class as she mused.

As Jesse walked into first period she wondered why the azure eyed boy seemed so familiar.

Have I met him before? Jesse thought to herself while biting her bottom lip. Surely not.... Right?

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