8 | I Don't Want To Be

Start from the beginning

"Please? Just until I'm ready to tell them?"

"Fine, but if it gets to the point where I have to, I will."

"Thank you," she said as they entered the room where Bonnie and Elena stood.

Damon interrupted whatever conversation they were having by holding up the manilla colored photo, "Sooner. Abby Bennett Wilson, Monroe, North Carolina. Born in Mystic Falls Hospital, graduated at Mystic Falls High...blah blah blah."

He then handed the folder to Bonnie and she began to look through it, "A little compulsion helps speed up the research process."

"This is her," Bonnie said in slight shock.

"Yep. Road trip. I call shotgun."

"Yea-No," Elena said.

"Want me to hang out in the back with you?"

"You're not coming, Damon."

"Why? I'm the one who found her."

"Okay, Damon. Look. Bonnie hasn't seen her mom in over fifteen years. We don't need your snarky commentary narrating the experience."

Damon and Elena then stared at each other for a moment.

"What's going on with you two?" Bonnie asked.

"We kissed. Now it's weird. Have a great trip," Damon said before leaving the room with Maya leaving Bonnie and Elena in shock.

"You and Elena kissed?" Maya asked not that surprised.

"Yeah, must have forgotten to tell you."

"Must have."

"Why do you care what happens with Elena and I?"

"I'm the number one Delena shipper, duh."

"You're ridiculous."

"Thank you," she said before looking at a text from Caroline, "I have to go, Caroline needs my help. Next time something happens between you two, I want the full details immediately." She then thought about what she said before adding, "Okay, maybe not the full details."

Maya arrived at the old Lockwood cellar to find Tyler locked up and Bill and Caroline standing next to him.

"What the hell type of kinky crap is this and why do I need to be here for it?"

Caroline rolled her eyes before explaining, "My dad's going to help Tyler break the sire bond."

"How? And how do you know it'll work."

"That's a process. It took decades, to train myself to resist compulsion. Brain's like a muscle. The more you use it, the more it can do. A sire bond, at its core, is about one thing...gratitude. If you believe you owe Klaus your life, ask yourself why," Bill said mostly to Tyler.

"I was cursed. Every full moon I had to change into a wolf. It was torture. Klaus took that away."

"He freed you from your pain and now you feel indebted to him. To break the sire bond you gotta make yourself turn. Own your pain then you'll owe Klaus nothing and you will be free."

"But how can he turn? It's not a full moon," Maya asked confused.

"He doesn't need one. You're a hybrid now, right? I mean, you can turn at will now, am I right?"

"Yeah, but I don't know how to just start."

"You're making excuses."

"You don't understand! When I turn, I break every bone in my body."

In Your Dreams | K. MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now