Chapter 15

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Wow I am uploading this really close to the other one.. That was pretty fast.. I bet you are wondering why I am uploading so soon... well... I just got out of philosophy class early because I aced my quiz within the first 10 minutes of class.. And if you know anything about philosophy you would know how hard it is... Well yeah I am really good with memorizing things so that's why I passed.. I think it should be considered cheating.. But eh.. I'm just a genius..

Anyways enough with the boring share and tell.. Let's move on to the story!!:)


I sat under the shade of one of the many trees that were on this campus. I needed to take a break. I had just asked for my job back from Jake and to my surprise he allowed me to come back. Why am I still so stressed out then? 

The money I get from my teaching job won't cover Andrew's hospital bills though. The bills just keep adding up. Immy and Vanessa said they would help me but I don't want to ask for their help. 

I believe that we shouldn't use people in that sort. They wouldn't call it using but I would. I looked up at the leaves as the sun shone through them. God what a pretty sight. I wish that when I was younger I would of took up something great like photography.

Art seems to take up to much of my time. I love it, but I have a lot of things to attend to, and lately I just don't have enough time for any of it.

I realised that the older we get the less time we have. I don't mean till we bite the bullet and pass away, I mean that we get more and more responsibilities the older we get. Quite frankly I don't like it.

"Anthony!" I heard a shrill girl voice exclaim.

I turned around to see one of my students. The reason why she was calling me Anthony and not something formal was because I hated when my students addressed me that way. Don't get me wrong I love my last name because it's Andrew's but I just don't like the term 'Mr.' it implied that I was old.

"Saphire." I replied as she ran towards me excitedly and sat down out of breath.

"Everyone said you quit but I said you would never quit because you love us so much." She laughed.

"No sweetie I didn't quit, I just took a break." None of the students actually know what happened for (1) none of them has ever picked up a newspaper before in their life and (2) there was a privacy policy that all of the teachers had to abide by. 

"Please tell me that you are coming back soon!" She demanded more than asked.

"Yes I start tomorrow." I smiled as she got up and jumped with glee. She looked behind her to see if anyone was watching, and in fact someone was. She looked a little embarrassed at first, but then she realized who it was.

"Henry!' She screamed and motioned for him to come towards us. He walked over slowly squinting at me.

Henry had sort of an eye sight problem, I think he was trying to recognise me.

When he got close enough he said, "Anthony! I knew that was you, but I didn't want to scream at the top of my lungs just in case it wasn't you." He laughed.

"How ya been Henry?" I asked trying to make small talk. God it was weird talking to other human beings. All I had for the past while was my mom, Immy and Vanessa. Well my therapist and all the other doctors as well. I guess they counted as human beings as well.

"They are good Anthony, thanks for asking." 

He looked over at Saphire when she tapped his shoulder.

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