I narrowed my eyes at Marlene as this only added to my confusion .

"But she said she was only here about the potions assignment"

"Well that was a lie"

"Why else would she be here?"

"No idea , just be careful alright ?"

"I will I'm just confused"

"As are we"


Madam Pomfrey finally let me leave the hospital wing which I was most certainly happy about . I was to attend my lessons as usual as I had only been out from my potions lesson till around an hour after lessons finished .

"You should rest Amy"

I glanced at Lily before saying

"No Lily I've been resting all day and I'm starving"

"You're always starving we can bring your food back "
Alice butted in .

"I'm going to the great hall to eat and that's final"

I sat down with my back to Bellatrix as I didn't see the need in us continuously glaring or staring at one another .

"Do you think I should give James a chance?"
Lily whispered to me .

"Yes just do it . It could go well"

Lily nodded . I began smirking causing Lily gave me a look which gestured for me to carry on .

"I knew you liked him"

Lily began to look flustered and torn in how she felt which made me snicker at her blushing face .

"Like Black and you"

"Sirius likes Marlene and vice versa Lily and you know that"

"No I meant Bellat.."

"Stop right there Lily . What are you talking about ?"

"You argue you like a old married couple"

"No we do not . She's just cruel"

"Well I can't say I disagree but have you seen how she looks at you?"

"Yeah like she wants to murder me"

"I can't win with you Amy can I ?"

"No not in situations like this because I'm right . What your saying is absurd and delusional"

Lily gave me a look as if to say it wasn't delusional or absurd which I had to disagree to.

"She's looking at you again"
This time it was Marlene to speak up.

The four of us turned to look at Bellatrix who was indeed staring not with any particular facial expression might I add .

Bellatrix quickly turned her attention back to her food once she realised we was all looking right back at her .

"See what I mean?"
Lily whispered.

I dismissed her question not really knowing what to say. I  quickly changed the subject by saying

"So are you all going to Hogsmeade on Saturday ?"

"Sorry guys I've already told Frank I will go with him"

I grinned at Alice's words as I loved her and Frank together .

"I actually agreed to go with Potter"

Lily said rather quietly . Finally!

"Well Marlene is it just me and you ?"

"Um I'm sorry Amy but Sirius asked me earlier and I said yes"

"Its okay Marlene . I hope you guys all have fun"

I was rather disappointed that nobody would be going with me or maybe I was disappointed that they all had someone to go with romantically and i had no one .

"Who are you going to go with Amy?"

I saw Lily take a quick glance at Bellatrix which caused me to stamp on her foot under the table which earned a rather loud

"Ow" .

I had never particularly told my friends that I liked girls instead of guys but all of them had seemed to figure it out anyway but had never really brought it up to me in conversation.

"I'm probably just not going to go"

"I can drop out of my date with Sirius if you want ?"

My eyes widened and I frowned .

"NO MARLENE you are NOT doing that whatever you do"

"Ok ok I get it I won't do that"

"Thanks for the offer though"

I sighed with Lily's words still stuck in my head and the pair of eyes that are most likely glaring into my back again .

𝙁𝙞𝙡𝙩𝙝𝙮 𝙇𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙡𝙚 𝙗𝙡𝙤𝙤𝙙𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙞𝙩𝙤𝙧 {𝘽𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙧𝙞𝙭}Where stories live. Discover now