She was going to get her wish.

She was going to die.


May threw herself up and looked around at her surroundings. She immediately saw that she was in her room back at the house. She could see her clothes carefully wrapped around a chair by the fireplace. She was in her pyjamas and it seemed the covers of the bed had been gently placed around her before she threw them off. On the bedside was a glass of water and a few medical plasters and such. Supplies she knew were not in the house. Her leg felt painful and she lifted the covers to find it bound in a white clothe although a tiny bit of blood had come through the material. She tried to sit up but couldn't and laid down trying to work out what was going on.

Then the door opened.

"Your awake?" Brendan asked. He walked in and sat down the the chair nearby. "How you feeling?" May didn't answer. Instead she just stared at him, like she was in a dream. "May. It's me. I'm here."

"Brendan?" She mumbled out. "What are you doing?"

"My job," He replied coldly. "What the hell, May?"

"What?" May barely managed to ask.

"Do you not remember?" Brendan bit his lip. He was angry. "You tried to kill yourself? You would have drowned if I didn't- May! Why would you do that?"

"I don't know, I was just." May turned away from him and stared out the window into the ocean. "It was what I deserved." She glanced back at him. "You should have let me die. You said you would."

"I was wrong." Brendan frowned and slowly walked over, carefully sitting on the edge of the bed. "That wasn't a nice thing to say to you, and I'm sorry. I was angry. I wasn't thinking. You'd lied to me and I just didn't expect it. I didn't think you'd be capable of lying. And then I just blamed you. Like you blamed yourself."

"But it was my fault." May insisted. "You weren't-"

"May. It wasn't." Brendan glanced away from her but then stared straight back into her eye. "Kyogre is a God. I was never going beat him." He said with absolute assurance that his words were true. "It wouldn't have mattered if you were there or not. I was always going to lose."

"Why did you come back?" May asked, desperately hoping it was the answer she wanted to hear.

"Someone reminded me of something." He mysteriously answered. "I'm gonna' need some time. Time to forgive you. But I will forgive you." Brendan explained. "Then, maybe, we could go back to the way things were. I don't know when or if I can do that. I'm just not saying never."

"Your staying?" May grabbed his hand. "Brendan, your staying?"

He looked out on the ocean, observed the sun as it came up from between the edge of the ocean and the clouds. It shon brightly on the house. Light filling every crack in the wooden beams, the floor. The ocean glistened and seemed to come alive with the suns light dancing between the waves. He looked down towards May who had sat up against the bed frame and was staring into his eyes. For the first time in what seemed like forever, she was hopeful. She wasn't sad, guilty, angry, she was at almost peace. She looked so beautiful with the light making her sapphire eyes shine like the ocean.

May reached and clutched his hand as he smiled at her. She felt like a heavy weight had been pushed off her shoulders. Like everything she had done didn't matter anymore. Although it would still affect her she wouldn't blame herself. Because if Brendan doesn't blame her, than who else should matter. All she needed was him after all.

Brendan opened his mouth and finally spoke.

"I'm staying."

The End

The sun slowly rose over the horizon. It stretched across the water and shon through the windows of the empty house. Brendan leaned against the fence surrounding the small farm, observing the different berries, fruit and vegetables which had been growing perfectly for years now. He ran his hand through his neat dark-haired beard and smiled as a small gentle hand rested on his back. May wrapped her arm around his arm and rested her head against his shoulder while her other hand supported her pregnant belly. The two stared at each other for a moment, staring into their eyes, with the pain of all that had happened still somewhere in the background, although their new life's had started to push it further and further away.

Authors Note:

Thank you all so much for reading this story. I hope you all enjoyed the many up's and downs throughout. I just wanted to create a small story about two characters thrust into a fight they couldn't win and how they react when they lose. We always see our hero's win, or lose than eventually win. I wanted to do a story where they lose and there's nothing you can do to change that. You have to live with that now, that you lost, etc.

Although I don't have plans to right a sequel or follow up I may consider doing so in the future, but for now this story is finished. Please give feedback on what you liked and didn't like and keep watching my account for new stories and experiences.

Thanks again and have a good one!

- By Highcommanderelliott

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