Keeping it together

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Okay so I'm skipping a couple weeks, nothing has happened so you isn't miss anything don't worry.
Luke's pov:
It's been a couple of weeks and nothing has really happened.. we haven't gone out in public yet, which to be honest I'm worried about. Kat is really smart and can figure things out faster then I could and she could tell people that she's kidnapped but the thing about that is who is going to believe her, in our society if somebody says something like that we get taken away to the looney bin. no joke.
I found a room that I wasn't using and decided to get art stuff for Kat. I know she likes drawing so I figured I could fill the room up with that kind of stuff to make her happy.
She was still sleeping so I locked up the house.
I left and went to some art store and got sketch pads, pencils, some canvas's and paints with brushes and then left. I started up my car and started driving home. i got home and got out of the car and un locked the house and jasey went crazy like totally bezerk. " damnit dog shut it!" i mumbled then went back upstairs, i guess kat wasn't up yet so i went to the room painted the room and set up the desk with supplies and put canvas's in a pile in the corner of the room. she brought some sketch pads with her so i took those out and put them on the desk. i was finished and i looked at the clock and saw that it was only 9:30 and heard the shower go off so she must be changing so i'll let her be.

i decided to just leave kat home and walk around town today. i want see if kat will leave or if she will do anything.

It was about noon and i went to go get lunch and sat outside and watched people as i ate.

* phone goes off*
babe: thanks so much for the art stuff, means a lot :)
me: ha, no problem. i'm expecting a picture though. ;)
babe: will do :)
- end of conversation-
kat's pov:
i need to get out of here. I want my blades. i want to end it all. he would never have feelings for some freak like me. this is all bull shit i bet.
I went down to the kitchen and opened a drawer and saw a like an exacto knife thingy. i grabbed some paper and sat down in the bathroom and wrote:

Dear whoever finds this ,
I'm not happy, i haven't been in a really long time. i want to be free. Free of ignorant assholes who will hate me anyway and if they find this won't even remember my name ow what i looked like but that's okay. I've always heard " people who can take away their own life are the strongest people somebody will ever know" . For my case this is bull, im not strong. im loosing my battle and its slipping away through my hands day, by day. I'm alreaday dead inside, nothing left of me just skin and bone. I'm taking up space that somebody amazing could be using. Well i have to say something else too, dont let people get to you. Dont. And hey, nobody dies a virgin either, life fucks us all. right in the ass to. So i guess i'm done know. Pretty soon i'll just be a memory that passes throughout you're head every once in while. stay strong. You can make it through. promise.

Kat white.

By the time i was done the paper was wet with tears.. " damn, looks like im done now, bye"
I looked in the mirror and put the pills in my mouth and cut into my arms " its over now". It really is over i can be happy now.
i collapsed to the floor and darkness took over my head.


Luke's pov:

I was arriving back at home and i walked up the steps and opened the door. Kat wasn't downstairs so i went to the art room and saw a canvas with a drwing of me.. wow... this waqs just amazing. She got the quiff that i have, the black lip ring, and my blue eyes. haha so sick.

i walked into our room and saw the bathroom door open and it was pitch black. I walked into the room and there she is...
" Kat' kat no come on, you're still here'' '' please''
I broke down.. im nothing now, my sunshine, my joy, my happiness, my smile, she's gone.
i saw on the counter and read what she put. but i need to save her.
I picked her up and ran to the hospital.
I didn't even drive i just ran till i got there..

I bursted through the doors and they grabbed her and took her to room and i tried to go back but I couldn't. I kept pushing past but i got dragged back again.

'' sir, you're going to have to stay here. I'm sorry.''
a nurse says but i wasnt listenening.
I'm getting her back. i need her. She's the air i breath, my smile, my hope in the world, my pricess, my little kid, she's mine.


dun dun dunnnnnnn eek sorry for the cliff hanger but ill be back soon! love you guys.

Please don't. ( luke hemmings.)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt