Why me?

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New chapter!

Love you all so much!😘


Kat's pov:

I'm not going to lie and say that I didn't like the kiss or make out session, whatever that was. But now I'm scared. I have my mom and wait is he kidnapping me...

Fuck I'm screwed...

Me:" wait what do you mean...."

Luke:" your mine. Ever since I first saw you I wanted to make you mine. You were and still are perfect to me. I'm not going to have some asshole date or whatever to you. That's going to be me. And an "us" is going to happen. Your going fall for me like I fell for you."

Me:" like this could if happened if you know you didn't fucking kidnap me!"

Luke:" don't raise your voice with me. And if you do their will be punishments, if you run away their will be a punishment. But good luck getting away. When we are in public you will act but pretty soon you won't be acting, like we love each other. If you talk rudely to another person you will be punished. See those over their?"

He pointed to a wall with whips, razors, knifes on them.

Me:" what are you going to do kill me?"

Luke:" maybe because then I know you will never leave me."

Luke's pov:

I can't believe I just said that, luke you fucking ass! You would never kill her. If you punish her it will hurt her but never kill her! Luke you fuck up!

I can't believe myself right now.

Kat:" luke.....luke are you okay?"

I must have spaced out but it's like there's a battle going on in my mind.

What I did next I didn't even think I would do.

I grabbed her by her neck and shoved her up into the wall.

What am I doing!

She wasn't scared or frightened or whatever she was supposed to be.

I kissed her again, and put everything into it, lust,pain,anger, every freaking emotion. She kissed back and I moved my hand to her hips. She put her hands around my neck.

I started thinking like how could she love some freak like me...nobody could ever love me but the devil. But I want her to love me like I love her..

I pulled away and I fell to the floor. just dropped to my knees and cried...wtf luke what the hell.

Kat:"holy shit. Luke...come on love, please talk to me..."

She sat down beside me and I felt her arms wrap me in a hug.

Kat:" luke please don't cry.."

I just cried harder.. My head was in the crook of her neck and I just cried...

We sat like that for two hours and Kat sang songs..talked, she made me laugh a lot...

Me:" i-I'm s-sorry..."

Kat:" it's okay... But ya know this could of happened... An us..."

Me:" why...and how could you like a freak like me..."

Kat:" freaks are good. Because guess what?"

Me:" what?"

Kat:" I'm a freak to..."

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