Danny pope - running on empty

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Lisa POV

1:35 shit I'm 5 minutes late. I speed walk to my music class hoping I won't get murdered by the teacher. When I get to room 46 I open the door quickly and step in. All eyes are on me. I ignore the stares and proceed towards the teacher.
"I'm so sorry I'm late sir I lost track of time."
I say truthfully.
"Ah that's okay Lisa I actually have a favour to ask you, we have a new student and I would like you to help him out if I needs help as well as share your text book with him" he says pointing towards a boy wearing a bluish purply crewneck. "Yeah sure I don't mind" I say as I make my way towards him. He looks shyly towards me after mr Phillips made it obvious he was the new kid. "Hi I'm Lisa".

Danny POV
I stare at her in shock. She looks so beautiful and kind and innocent I can't eve-
"What's your name" she says interrupting my thoughts.
"Danny po- manfield" I say almost giving my secret away. Fuck
"Well Danny po-Manfield I'm supposed to help you out with anything your struggling with and or want too know" she says politely
God what is this girl doing to me
"Ugh actually I would like to know what like what I've missed and what parts we're studying but if you don't want to tell me everything it's okay I can figure out mys-"
"No it's of course I can help. Say how about you come over to my place sometime this week and I can show you everything you've missed and key topics of music and musical history" she say with the most genuine and beautiful smile I've ever seen.
I nod and smile back turning my head to hide the slight blush on my cheeks.

Lisa POV
he turns towards me Phillips as he begins his little musical presentation and thought I feel Danny glimpsing at me making me blush.
God what is this boy doing to me.

Okay so first imagine I'm not extremely familiar on every detail on the film so if I get stuff wrong I'm sorry. I've only watched scene online as a copy in my country doesn't seem to exist so forgive me

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