Mike waters - my own private idaho

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Covering strong topics be warned

Mikes POV
Me, Scott and the boys were teasing bob about his story and how it was all over the place when  a guy who looks like he had been really beaten up can in coughing up blood. Everyone's attention turned to him and bob walked over and assessed him.

"Andrew my son what happened to you" he says to the man.
"She fucked me up man"  he chocked out.
"Who?" bob questioned with anger.
"The junkie whore" he yelled before passing out.
"Lacey" bob whispered
Who's that I looked at Scott and he shrugged
"Lacey!" Bob yelled walking
Oh shit he's off
Me, Scott and the boys kept close behind him as he angrily stormed the abandoned building looking for some chick named Lacey.
Finally bob got to a door and kicked it open with force I never knew he had in him.
Oh shut he really is mad.
We walked into the room to find an angry looking girl about my age. She has blond hair and her black makeup stained her eyes. She wore a purple long sleeved crop top with checkered leggings with some black petite combat boots.
She looked pissed beyond belief.
"The fuck bob why are you-" she was cut of by bob yanking her up and slamming her into the wall.
"Shit bob" Scott said but was ignored
"You listen here missy it's one thing messing with my boys but it's another to viciously attack them so much that they cough up they're internal organs." He heeled in her face which she then spat in.
"You little-" he goes to hit her before me and Scott step in I stand I front of her and Scott holds bob back.
"I did it to protect myself tell your little rat to not come anywhere near me or touch me in anyway to get free dope got it" she yells

"Stay away from my boys or you'll be sorry you junkie whore" He yells coming towards Scott to get to her.

The whole situation was very stressful and I started to feel sleepy and before I know it I'm out.

Lacey POV
As bob aggressively comes towards me the kid in front of my faints all of a sudden.

"Oh shit" I say in shock as he lands on bed.

"God Scott can you deal with this and then come back ASAP so I can cool off" bob says walking out of the room.

"So what's going on here Scott" I say sassily

He looks at me sympathetically
"Sorry mike here has narcolepsy and just passes out in certain situations" he says like it's no big deal.

I look down at mike as he is out cold.

"Hey can he stay here while I just go sort shot out with bob I'll be right back I swear" he asks with a pleasing look
"Sure" is ya casually and sit beside mike whilst grabbing a magazine and ignore Scott's presence as he leaves awkwardly.

After a few minutes mike start to stir awake.
"Ah your awake sleeping beauty have a nice nap" i say not taking my eyes of the magazine as he looks around confused.

"Ah fuck I'm sorry I didn't mean to pass out in here I hav-" he start before I interrupt him.

"Narcolepsy yeah I know Scott told me. He'll be back in a sec so you can just sit tight here if you want" I say with a smile.

He gives a small nod before looking down

"Why does bob treat you like shit" he murmurs under his breath.
I look up
"He looks down on me. In his eyes of a boy sells his body and does drugs it's okay but if girl does it she's nothing but a junkie or a whore. I get  a be wrap around here for being like everybody else yet if I defend myself from one of his boys then I'm seen as an outcast. It use to bother me, not so much anymore I guess I'm just use to it." I shrugged like it was nothing.

"You know I don't think your an outcast I think your brave not a lot of chicks or a guy for that matter out they're have the guts to put a guy in his place" he says grabbing my hand

I smile

"Thanks mike that means a lot" I reply sincerely this time.

We looked at each other for what felt like forever before we were interrupted by Scott

I think this is that start of something very special.

I know mike is gay in the film which is why I'm not making it clear as to if him and Lacey having a romantic liking too each other. You can imagine it as the beginning of a romantic relationship if you want or as the the beginning of a friendship, take it as you will.

80's and 90's imagines Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat