Chapter 1

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"I can't believe I let you drag me to this", said Alec with his head in his hand as he looked out the car window. "Oh come on Alec! You never do anything fun!", Jace said from the driver's seat as he coasted down the highway on the way to the Forum in Inglewood, California. "Yeah!", Izzy agreed from the back seat. "Besides, we missed you! When was the last time all three of us were able to do something fun together? You're always so busy with work", Izzy finished, thumping Alec upside his head. "Hey!", Alec glared at his sister from the front seat. "Oh stop being so grumpy Alec. You're always so grumpy". "Well of course he's always grumpy Izzy. He needs to get laid!". Jace and Izzy's laughter filled the car as Alec blushed bright red. "This is one of the many reasons I am regretting my decision to come to this thing!", Alec blurted out, not liking that the joke was on him. "Plus I don't even like Magnus Bane. You guys know I'm not really a fan of rock music".

Izzy rolled her eyes as she replied. "Alec you could be a little grateful. This stadium holds 30,000 people and Raphael was able to get us front row seats. Do you know how many girls would kill someone to have your ticket?" Alec looked out the window, realizing the he probably shouldn't complain. "You're right guys. I'm sorry I'm being a downer. I'll just suck it up and try to enjoy". "We knew you'd come around!", said Jace, laughing and turning up the stereo.

Magnus stood in the wings of the stage, listening to the crowd chant his name. "Where's my tequila?! I need a shot before I go out there!". "Right here Magnus!", yelled Steven, Magnus' agent and stage manager, running toward the man with a large bottle in his grip. "Thank fucking god", Magnus said under his breath, grabbing the bottle from his hand and taking a long swig. Magnus could never go out on stage completely sober. "Ok Sir, are you ready?", asked Steven, steadying Magnus after he took his drink. Magnus gave a thumbs-up, grabbing his guitar from a staff person's hand and walking onto the stage. Magnus was greeted with ear-splitting cheers and bright lights, something he was all too familiar with by this point in his career. Magnus waved to the crowd, signaling for his band to start playing. As the music began, Magnus got into position in front of the microphone, beginning his set by singing one of his most popular songs.

"You came into my life, you came in life a flash,

I never saw you coming, but I never looked back.

We said it from the start, we knew that this would end,

But the more I felt you holding on, the more I would pretend.

I've never felt so alone with someone so close.

You've got your latches in my brain,

I can't control or ease the pain.

By my side in the summer shine, I bite my lip to keep from cryin'.

"I can tell that you think it doesn't hurt and I'm here to tell you

that I had a solo summer with you.

You're like a disco ball, you refract the light.

Keep me blinded so I wont put up a fight.

Though we keep getting closer, you keep me in the dark.

Your lips say that 'I'm here', but you're eyes say that 'I'm far'.

I've never felt so confused when someone says, "I love you".

When we seem so far apart, I break it off, protect my heart.

And I might not get through this song, 'cause a solo summer means something different when you're gone".

As the song came to an end, cheers erupted and Magnus walked to the edge of the stage to look at he crowd, loving the sight before him. The rest of his set went off without a hitch. Several bras were thrown on stage, Magnus' drummer crowd surfed, and he even brought a fan on stage, which he made out with in front of the entire stadium. As the concert was coming to an end, Magnus always liked to finish with a slow piano song with something important to say. "Well ladies and gentlemen, you have been an absolute treat tonight. Would it be alright with you if I closed this out with a slow song?", Magnus asked with answering cheers. As Magnus began to play the beginning of the song, he looked to the crowd, trying to pick out some faces in the front row. Most were screaming and crying girls, which Magnus was used to, but there was one face in particular which caught his attention: a beautiful man with a calm expression. Magnus and the man made eye contact, as he began to sing.

"I'm trying not to think of you, but I can't ignore the thoughts.

'Cause silly things and daytime dreams are never good enough.

I'm picking up the poison held between my fingertips,

'Cause the straightest lines and strongest minds do not really exist.

Fighting never solved a thing so I won't even try.

The sound of screams, they haunt my dreams, and make me want to cry.

So please can I live a day on Earth without gravity so I can finally feel what it's like to fly?"

Magnus never broke eye contact with the beautiful man as he finished his song, walking off stage to the roar of adoring fans. As Magnus exited the stage, Steven was waiting with a martini. "Here you are Sir", said Steven, handing it to Magnus as they walked straight to his dressing room. Magnus downed the drink in one gulp as they reached the room backstage. As they entered, Magnus spoke immediately to Steven. "Front row. Third from the left. Bring him and his friends to me. Tell them they were randomly selected to get a meet and greet with me. "Yes Sir", Steven replied right away, used to Magnus giving him abrupt directions. Magnus took a seat, waiting to meet the intriguing man he wanted to know more about. TBC...

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