Chapter 8

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Up front, Mr Roman was ranting on about the 'Da Vinci Code' for our film study. It was the last period and I could barely keep my eyes open. The yawning hasn't stopped either for the entire day so I couldn't wait for school to be over.
I had tried finding out more about the slaughter of the Preston Manor and eventually landed on something in the late hours. After much digging on another website, although not as detailed, had pretty much confirmed what I'd known so far. But I found out that the Lady had died around ten years after her husband. And the interesting thing was that before Drisella married Lord Preston, she was accused of performing witchcraft. When Drisella and her father first arrived in Ravensvale, the townspeople were wary of them, as the beautiful daughter was described as 'unusually reclusive'. Of course, when a group of men in town became awfully sick, the people became suspicious of the newcomers. They started pointing fingers at Drisella because the men that had fallen ill then died had all came into contact with her. Wives, mothers and sisters had impeached that Drisella lured their husbands, sons and brothers in with her beauty and cast a deathly spell on them.
I can't help but think that there's more to this. I didn't want to believe it but if the townspeople were right and Lady Preston did put a curse on those men, did the spell book belong to her?
Just as I thought this, the bell rang. All around me chairs scraped against the floor and bodies rushed to escape this suffocating hellhole. When I got out of the classroom the hallways were packed. The sound and chatter surrounded me with students bumping into or shoving against me. I felt squished and was relieved as I finally reached my locker.
Keeping an eye out for Lauren, I quickly filled my bag with homework assignments and books. Just as I turned after shutting my locker door, I came face to face with a red headed girl. She had a sprinkle of freckles over her pronounced cheekbones and nose. Her eyes were a warm brown framed with thick lashes. Her looks overall would be considered as more striking than pretty. She was no Lauren but it seemed that my luck had run out.
"Hey, I didn't think I was gonna catch you."
"Ummm... Hi, Amber." This is awkward. Amber Thunbard. Part of a group of overly friendly girls that followed me around. Extra clingy.
"Saw you with Lauren the other day. Man, the look on her face!" she exclaimed. I didn't know how to respond so I just kept quiet.
"Anyway.. I know you're busy and all but my friends were wondering if you wanted to go bowling with us this weekend?" Her face was hopeful. I cannot remember the number times I had turned down all these types of invites. I just couldn't, not after...
"Sorry, Amber. My dad wanted me to help him with some research so I'm afraid I won't have any time." It wasn't a complete lie. I mean, I was doing research just not with Dad.
Amber's face fell flat. "Oh." After she rapidly recovered she said in a way to cheery voice, "Guess it can't be helped. So see you around?" I nodded. And with a wave she was gone.

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