Unexplainable pizza story that gives me the chills

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This will probably be my only post on here but I wanted to share something weird asf.

Two or three years ago I was hanging out with a couple friends at my dads house. We were all around 20 years old at the time. It was broad daylight like 1:00 or something. None of us had eaten anything that day so I said I'll cook a frozen pizza.

I made the pizza. It's only us three at the house my dad was at work. We gotta figure out which one of us gets only two slices. It was my house so I was gonna get three slices no matter what. I took my three slices and I watch each of them take two, leaving one small slice left on the counter. They said they'll do Rock Paper Scissors for the last one once they are done with those. I grab my drink and am the last one to leave the kitchen. We all walk outside onto my patio, me being the last one out the door.

Skip forward like 5 minutes ahead and another friend of ours pulls into my driveway. I heard him get of his car and walk towards my side door so I yelled his name to signal we were on the back deck. I see him turn the corner to join us on the deck. Right away he was jealous of the pizza and I said there's "one slice left in there it's all yours". He hopped out of his chair and opened the screen door to the house, took two steps stopped and said "who took a huge ass bite I don't want that." We all thought it was funny and looked at each other laughing. I kept eating waiting for one of them to fess up. I remembered watching everyone take their slices and following them out of the house. No one said anything. I looked back up once the laughter stopped and everyone was looking at me. Within 2 seconds we were all standing blaming each other.

I walked inside, looked 10 feet away onto my counter to see the last small slice of pizza laying half on the cardboard half on the counter with a huge fucking bite taken out of it. My other two friends then followed me in with their plates and saw the slice and just looked traded looks with everyone.

We argued for the rest of that day and on and off for literally months after.

I'm good at knowing when each of my friends are lying. I shit you not, to this day after hearing the tone and sincerity in their voices when they tell it how it happened, I genuinely believe each of them. I know for a fact I had nothing to do with it. It's weird cause I know it happened. Somehow. Somebody had to have done it. It just gives me the chills cause it's simply not possible. We were on the deck the whole time. I honestly we will take that shit to the grave.

A lot of actual really scary shit happened at that house. But that is simply one of the weirdest things that's happened to all of us.

Since the story is literally about pizza, i doubt that any feels the way I do. It's hard to genuinely describe it to anyone that wasn't there.

Posted by u/ACmackey19

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