The curse of County Road 333

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The road I live on, County Road 333 is cursed. Years ago, there was a small white church, the size of a small house, where some women decided to try some witchcraft and satanic rituals. From what we know, three women decided to do rituals in the church after it was abandoned, they were caught and banned from the area. One of the women was infuriated at the city for banning them and stopping their rituals, so she went back and set a curse on the road. The curse has caused major accidents and many deaths which lead to the haunting of this area, but that's for another story.

The curse causes random house fires to break out and kill families, the fire response team has never made it on time to any of the fires. It also causes storms to hit here but nowhere else or if they do hit the rest of the city, it hits twice as hard on this road. When it storms the curse is set so that lightning hits houses or trees next to them and causes fires as well. But the worst part of the curse, seeing faces in the trees. People see faces or humanoid figures in the trees and it causes them to lose control of their vehicles and run off the road. Car accidents are the most common thing here, we don't know if it's just the curves and the tree lines or if it's because people lose control and crash. It's been reported that some people's vehicles just stop working and they end up stranded. No one knows how it happens. The last thing that the curse it set to cause, lights do not work between 2 and 4 am. We have had people study it, and try to fix it but no one can figure out why the street lamps go out. Lights that are in houses work, but anything outside doesn't, car headlights won't turn on, flashlights don't work, neither do the street lights and even car radios go to static. Phones lose signal as well, it's like electronics just aren't allowed between 2 and 4 I guess. No one knows how or why any of these things happen, all we know is that the road was cursed by a satanic witch, and after the curse was set, she burned the church with herself inside as a sacrifice.

I've had many experiences that may be further proof of the curse or maybe just some crazy coincidences. So the first experiences I ever had were phone calls with my boyfriend, who lives in town. It would be completely clear there, while it was complete downpour here. I never thought much of it until I heard of the curse. The next experience I had was when it was storming again, it had been for hours and lightning hit my yard at least once every 30 minutes, once so close that it sounded like it hit my room. That has happened multiple times when it has stormed. Another experience was again during a storm, I was on a phone call with my boyfriend showing him how hard it was raining because it wasn't raining at all where he was, and I was standing in my car port, which is about 50-100 feet from the other side of the driveway, and as I was showing him the rain, lightning hit right on the other side of the driveway from me, it was so loud that it made my ears ring and it made me temporarily blind. My sister was there with me when it happened and we both screamed and I thought I was dead at first. Needless to say that one scared the absolute shit out of me and made me really believe in the curse, but this next one pretty much proves to me that this is a curse. It was late at night around 11-12 and me and my sister were sitting in our room talking, when we heard a mad knock on our window and say "hey I need help my car is stuck and my phone isn't working" I got my mom and when she went outside to check, no one was there to be found, but there were some police cars, a tow truck, and an ambulance right in front of my driveway. It turned out that the man had missed the curve and ran off the road and ended up rolling his car in the ditch and landed on a barbed wire fence. He did not survive the crash and was found dead on the scene, he had been dead for at least 30 minutes, so there's no way he could've knocked on our window and asked for help just moments earlier.

I wish I had an explanation for these events, but I don't. We've searched for answers and none of us have a clue. Next time you're looking for a place to live, make sure to look up the history of the road or area you're in, or you might end up discovering a not so fun surprise.

Posted by u/dontsayimyour

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