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The next day :

  (Jack's POV)

  I walked out onto deck, everyone was working well, I glanced over to to Lydia the new girl tying the mast and smiled, she sure was a hard worker. Then my eyes found Master Gibbs my first mate, he didn't look particularly pleased and I knew why, but he'd come over it, after all he always does. He walked over to me and ushered me back into my cabin. I let out a sigh and turned back to face him.

  "Cap'n you know it's bad luck to have a woman on boa-"
  "She's hardly a woman now is she Master Gibbs, merely a young girl who I presume is looking for a more excited life than living in Tortuga." I corrected.
  "Besides, she is clearly a good, skilled and persistent worker who I believe is a good addition to the crew." I added in an attempt to end the conversation. Gibbs shrugged his shoulders and smiled.
  "I guess you're right, she seems as much as a nice girl" he said. I nodded and we headed out together, eyeing her at the top of the mast.
  "Say Jack, she reminds me of you," Gibbs chuckled. I frowned and looked back at her confused. She saw me looking at her and waved down at me, to which I gave a kind and approving nod. I shrugged off master Gibbs' comment and marched back into my cabin, deciding to look at the bearings for our next adventure.

(Lydia's POV)

  After a long day of back-breaking work, night came and I slid down from the mast, everyone had already gone below deck again, it was only me left. I was extremely tired after the work I had done today, but I wanted to talk to Jack, I wanted to talk to my father.

  I gingerly made my way to his door before holding up my had to knock. I was shaking, it took me a few attempts to actually knock. My breathing had come heavy and my palms had began to sweat. After all this was the most challenging thing I had done in my life and was going to change my life the most, for better or for worse. Finally, I summoned every ounce of courage in my small body and knocked.

  There was a small moment of silence before I heard the Captain's voice reply.

  "Come in."
  I tried to steady my breathing as I slowly turned the door handle to no avail. I saw my father sat in front of me. He looked up and gave a smile.
  "Ahh, Lydia love, what seems to be the matter?" He asked in a gruff sounding voice. Oh God, this was it.
  I stuttered, trying to regain control of my body.
  "Hi Jack, I just was...erm..was wondering if I could to you?" I asked in an utter state of anxiety.
  "You alright love?" He asked sounding concerned while he looked me in the eyes. The expression he held was soft and comforting, however still not enough to calm my unstable nerves.
  "I'm fine, I just, need to speak to you, if that's alright?"
  "Course love, have a seat," he smiled as he beckoned me to take a seat opposite him. He walked around his small table and took a seat, putting his feet up.
  "What's the matter dearie?" He smiled.
  "Ummm," at this point I almost had a panic attack, how was I meant to tell him, what do I say, oh God. Do I say 'you're my father', do I explain who my mother is, do I, urgh I don't know. At this point of silence, Jack brought his feet down and looked at me with a much more serious look, which only made me more scared.
  "Jack, I uhh... Well, I think you knew my mother," I tried to ease into the conversation. I felt stupid for starting like this, but at least it wouldn't be such a shock for him when I told him.
  "Knew?" He questioned.
  "Yes, she died two years ago," I whispered, only just audible.
  "I'm sorry to hear that love," he replied while offering me a sip of his rum. I took it and swallowed a large abundance of the alcoholic liquid. Jack glared at me but shrugged it off all the same.
  "What's her name," he asked me quizzically, searching his mind for possible women he knew it could be.

  I took a deep breath and slowly released it.

  "Angelica, Angelica Teach."

  Jack looked heartbroken, his mouth slightly open.

  "Angelica, she's dead?" He questioned, in a state of utter remorse as his voice cracked. I slowly nodded my head, not allowing the tears to fall, I would not show that I was weak, not to my father, no. I would stay strong, as always.

  "I'm sorry Lydia, yes, I knew your mother, she was a wonderful woman, one of a kind and I will miss her," he said bowing his head a little.
  "Who's your father then," he asked, a little confused now, Angelica was never really one for relationships, Jack of all people knew.
  My palms began to get clammy again and my breathing became unstable.

  "Jack, I... remember 14 years ago, on the island when you left my mother...and she told you she was with child?"

  Jack's eyes widened, he seemed to be piecing the puzzle together, fixing the final jigsaw piece in place. I could see the cogs working in his brain. He stared at me with an unreadable expression, he was like that, always managed to seal his emotions off from the world.

  "Me?" Was all he managed to say, his voice breaking as he stared me in the eyes.

  "Yes, I'm your daughter Jack" I began, hoping he'd take it the right way "I waited years for the pearl to dock at Tortuga, so that I could meet you, I had heard stories of the great Captain Jack Sparrow, sailing and conquering the seven seas, all my life I've dreamed of meeting you, all I've ever wanted is you and your approval!"

  Jack stared at me, I could've sworn I saw as much as a shimmer of a tear in his eyes as he looked down at the table in an unknown emotional state.

  "Lydia, I'm sorry" was all he managed to say.

  "Dad?" I started...

  "Don't call me that!" He growled in an aggressive manner, standing up, almost knocking the table over.
  I gasped, a tear coming to my eye, I begged it not to fall. His head shot round in all directions.

  "I need time alone, to think" he said as he marched out of the cabin. I stood there, shocked and distraught. Tears began to roll down my tanned face as a sat on my fathers bed. Why couldn't he just be accepting, it's all I have ever wanted, all I ever needed for my life to be a good one. I pulled my knees up to my chest and cried, I don't know how long for but I continued to cry. My whole world had just crumbled into pieces, shattering right before my very eyes in that moment my father showed his hatred for me. I continued to cry, never before had I been this weak, this vulnerable, this heartbroken. I didn't know how to deal with it. I grabbed the necklace that my mother had given me, it used to belong to my dad, before he gave it to her. I held it close to my heart, I just wanted a father to hold me and tell me it would be ok. I lay back and cried myself to sleep, in the bed of a father that I know will never love me.

(Jack's POV)

  I stood up and stormed out of the cabin, slamming the door behind me. I brought my hands up to my head. How. How is this possible. I can't be a father can I. I don't know what to do, I was too harsh on her. I stayed outside my door as I heard her crying. She was crying her eyes out because of me. Her father. The father she has always wanted to meet. Wanted the acceptance of. Me. I threw my arms to the side as a tear escaped my eyes before quickly trying to compose myself, to no avail as I began to allow the tears to fall. This girl, my daughter with nobody left but her father. I wanted to be there for her, right in that moment, tell her I was sorry, and ready to become the dad she's always wanted. But am I ready? I don't know how to be a parent. I had to leave it until the morning, I had to be in a fit state to talk to her. I needed to allow Angelicas' death to sink in and all of the events of today. I needed to prepare a proper apology, and find a way to tell her that I do accept her, and will love her, purely because of the unconditional love that parents have for their children. That's what she is. My child. Something I never expected to go with my name. A daughter, a hardworking, pure-hearted daughter. Lydia. I took my compass from my belt and slowly opened it. The red needle spun around before pointing at my cabin door. I looked through the peep-whole to see her holding a necklace in her hand as she cried. I recognised it as my very first gift to her mother Angelica. I fought back the urge to open the door and make it all ok. Oh what have I done, I thought again as I closed my eyes in an attempt to stop the tears again.

  I drifted into a restless sleep on the floor outside of my cabin, vision blurred with tears.

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