Liars Dice

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  (Lydia's POV)

  I travelled below deck to find Will, Henry, Gibbs and Dad sat around a table.
  "Ahh love, just in time f' the match!" Dad exclaimed.
  "What game?" I asked.
  "Liars dice!" William smiled, winking at me. I gave him a kind smile, I haven't really got to talk to Will alone yet, maybe I'll try and get to know him more later.
  "Haven't played since I was seven, I'm a little rusty, how do you play again?"
  "It's the one where the bet includes all the dice, we all make our bets, call out the liar, if you are lying, y' lose a dice, savvy?" Dad grinned.
  "Savvy," I smirked, taking a seat.
  "What are we wagering?" I questioned.
  "Silver pieces," Gibbs answered.
  I dug into my pockets and pulled out four shillings.
  "Aye," I smiled.
  We all tossed our dice and looked at eachother with a poker face, though I struggled keeping mine, to which Dad tried to stifle a laugh.
  "Two fives," Will began.
  I checked under my cup of dice to see that I had a five.
  "Three fives," I raised the bet.
  "One six," Jack spoke, keeping his poker face.
  "Three sixes," Gibbs added.
  "Four sixes!" Henry bet. It was Wills turn now.
  "Six sixes!" Will raised.
  My turn again, I don't have any sixes, but I can't change the number because six is the highest on the dice. I have to pull off the lie.
  "Seven sixes," I added as confidently as I possibly could. My Dad smirked and gave me that look.
  "Liar!" he chuckled.
  "How did you know! There's no way you could have known that I didn't have a six?!"
  "Love, as much as I hate to admit, my old age has taught me how to spot a liar, I'm still not that old though, savvy?"
  "Dad, I know how old you are!" I laughed. He furrowed his brows.
  "Yes, well don't tell dear or I promise you Lydia-Rose Sparrow it will NOT end well!' he growled, winking at me.
  "Anyway you lose a dice," Will laughed.
  "Aye," I spoke, tossing the spare dice aside.
  "Continue?" Henry asked.
  "Aye!" Gibbs spoke.
  "One two!" Dad started.
  "Two threes!" Gibbs raised.
  "Three threes." Henry added.
  "Six threes! Will said.
  "Three fives," I smiled, changing the number. Jack scowled.
  "Three sixes!"
  "Four sixes!"
  "Five sixes!
  "Six sixes" I added.
  "Seven sixes," Dad added but I saw right through it, how could he have that six by coincidence?
   "Liar!" I called out.
   This made me laugh, he smirked.
   "How'd y' know love?" he asked, narrowing his eyes.
   "Had a hunch," I spoke neutrally.
  He got rid one of his dices and we played on.
   "One four,"
   "Two fours,"
   "Three fives,"
   "Five fives,".................................

  And so the game went on. We got the the point where Gibbs and Will were out. It was me versus Dad and Henry. Henry and me had one dice and my Dad had two.

  I started with one two.
  "Two twos," my Dad countered.
  "One four," Henry raised.
  "One five,"
  "Two fives,"
   "Liar!" I called. Dad looked flabbergasted.
  "How did you know darlin!?"
  "Well I knew you had a two, because you said you did when you could have gone for any number since two is very low, if course, you could've had one, but the odds are one out of six, and your facial expressions told me otherwise, then when I say one five, what're the odds that you yet again get the same dice roll as me, only raising the abundance by one? We would've had the exact same dice roll, and you wouldn't have raised the number higher than the number you did have, because then you would only have a lie to go off," I explained.
  My Dad looked perplexed. He blinked twice.
  "Bloody hell you think exactly like me!" he exclaimed.
  I smiled at him. Henry smirked at me as my Dad put his dice to the side again.
  We all had one dice left now, the game was on. We all kept our poker faces now, it was no longer difficult.
  "One one!" Henry called.
  "Liar," Dad called. I was about to say the same thing, I knew that he would try that.
  "Damn it," Henry cursed, walking away next to his Dad, who patted his shoulder.
  "Well done son, unlucky,"
  Me and my Dad resumed. The tension in the room was noticeable. There was utter silence as we tossed our dice.
  "One three," I said, not sure how this could go well.
  "Good game love," Dad smiled, getting up, walking around the table and hugging me. Everyone began to clap.
  "We drew, sweetheart, ran out of dice to bet on," he laughed, pulling away.
  "Where'd you learn to play?" he asked me.
  "Mamá," I replied, smiling up at him.
  "Aye, I taught her," he whispered, giving me a side hug.
  Everyone began to clear the room, I stayed behind to talk to Will and get to know him a little better.
  "You're very good at liars dice, I've been playing for decades yet you still beat me," he smiled.
  "Could just be luck I suppose," I admitted.
  "No, if you're anything like your Dad, which trust me, you are, you have your wits about you,"
  "Thank you, I really look up to my Dad,"
  "I can tell, but every child does, whether it me there Mother or Father."
  "Aye. How did you meet Elizabeth, she's really nice,"
  "That she is. I met her when her father helped me aboard their ship. I had been afloat on the water, she saved me, and I had a crush on her ever since, always to afraid to act on my feelings. It was actually your father, who convinced me to act upon them, always telling me to wait for the opportune moment." he recalled.
  "Yes, my Mum used to say that to me a lot,"
  "Did Angelica ever mention Jack?"
  "She tried to refrain from doing so, she loved him so much that it caused her pain to think about him, I miss her so much,"
  "I'm so sorry for your loss, I can't even imagine...."
  "No it's ok, she's no longer in pain,"
  "Yes, that's the important thing," he smiled, patting my shoulder, before we walked out on deck together.
  As soon as we appeared, Henry came over to me and smiled.
  "Congratulations on winning with Jack and splitting the shillings!" he beamed.
  "Thank you, it was great fun to play,"
  "It was wasn't it, we should do it more often!" he proposed.
  "Indeed," I agreed.
  I saw my Dad smirk at me while I was talking to Henry, stranger, I hadn't warranted such an act. Maybe he's up to something.
  We watched the sunset for a couple of hours before Henry yawned.
  "Well, I best be getting to bed," Henry smiled, tiredly.
  "Me too,"
  "Well Lydia, good night and may you have the sweetest of dreams,"
  "You too Henry, I'll see you in the morning." I smiled, before he disappeared below deck.
  I walked into the cabin to find my Dad snoring extremely loudly. I stifled a giggle as I took my boots of and lay next to him. As soon as I did so, he stirred in his sleep and pulled me close to his chest, mumbling sweet nothings in his sleep.
  "Night Papá," I whispered, before drifting off into a deep sleep.

Filler chapter, sorry guys, I think her and Henry's relationship is kinda cute ❤️😍
Jack is becoming such a Dad😊😘
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