Kujou, in his usual look of disguise, sat in a private cabin, trying not to worry too much, but then he thought about how his twin brother would be sad. He was stressed. His feelings from somewhere inside his heart started to resurface again, like that day he cried, or the times he spent with Iori. He was tired from work too, and that made Riku's condition worse. He had to take some oxygen from the portable tank from time to time.

Tenn-nii, please wait for me.

Riku felt like he would be less restless if Iori was here with him. Somehow, he felt like he could seldom get a sense of enjoyment by spending time with I6's centre. The redhead decided to try texting him.

Riku: Iori, are you busy?

Soon, his phone buzzed.

Iori: I'm doing my homework. Can we talk later?

Riku's heart sank. I guess this is disappointment... ah, it's gone again. He didn't reply to Iori so he would not distract the boy.

Riku stepped out of the train at 9:30 PM, which was half an hour after the time they were supposed to meet. I'll need around half an hour to get there.


"That bastard!" Gaku being classic, slammed the wooden table, making the tea in the cups almost spill.

"Calm down, Gaku. Kujou-kun might be caught up with something." Ryuu tried his best to lighten up the air around them. Gaku was frustrated, and Tenn was worried. He was at a loss of what to do.

At 9:49 PM, Tenn stood up. "Let's go home. I don't think he will show up." Tenn said with a straight face but his voice was clearly shaken. Gaku rushed to pull Tenn's arm back when Tenn started walking away from the table.

At that moment, the shop door was pushed open. The boy with black eyes entered, panting.

Tenn yelled, "Riku!" and dashed over to help the tired Riku to his seat. Riku took off his disguise. "S-sorry *huff* I'm late..."

"You took your sweet time, Kujou." Gaku hissed.

"Why are you like this, Riku?!?" Tenn grew even more worried. He patted Riku's back, hoping it would ease some of his twin brother's pain. Riku was trying to steady his breathing by drawing in deep breaths. It wasn't working too well, so he had to get some oxygen, which surprised both Gaku and Ryuu a bit.

After he felt a little better, Riku started explaining. "I took a taxi, but there was some sort of accident on the road near here, so *puff* I ran."

"Baka!" Tenn hugged Riku tight. "Don't put yourself in danger like that!"

"I'm fine, Tenn-nii." Tenn was expecting a wide smile. When they were little, Riku used to say, 'I'm fine!' while beaming. Right now, Riku only gave him a very small smile with emotionless eyes. Tenn hugged Riku even tighter. Oh Riku you poor boy... what happened to you?

Ryuu and Gaku were happy to see the twins finally reunited. Sure, it was depressing, especially for Tenn, to see Riku changed in a bad way, but at least they were together again. The three talked about how they grew up, how TRIGGER was formed, Tenn and Gaku's dating life, and now, Riku had to talk about himself too, and things took a serious turn.

"Kujou," Gaku stared at the redhead. "Why do you follow Kujou Takamasa's order?"

"...." Riku was quiet for a while before answering. "I was raised by him. He took care of me and promised my parents would live a good life."

Tenn dropped his cup of tea and gasped.

"Tenn-nii?!" Riku quickly turned to look at Tenn.

The pink-haired boy went pale. Does Riku not know...?

"Tenn, what's wrong?" Ryuu patted Tenn's back. Gaku squeezed his date's hand.

"B-but Riku... our parents..."

Riku tilted his head in confusion.

"They both passed away, Riku."

Riku felt like someone was squeezing his heart for a few seconds before that feeling disappeared. Then he felt it again. TRIGGER could tell from Riku's expression that he didn't know.

Riku might have lost contact with his family since he went away with Takamasa but they were still dear to him. They once made him the happiest boy in the world. Riku's eyes started to become cloudy. Soon, tears flowed down his cheeks, and he buried his face in his hands.

Father, why didn't you tell me!? Tenn-nii was left all alone, father! So why? WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY??!??!??

Riku cried loudly and screamed in pain. "Tenn-nii, I'm so sorry." He cried into his brother's arm. Soon, he began to lose control. He felt an unbearable sadness, a sudden surge of anger, a great deal of fear, and a dark void of emptiness. One intense wave came after another, repeatedly.

Riku couldn't remember what happened after that. He woke up the next morning at his house with Iori by his side.


So I need to ask for some opinions here. My stories tend to have a lot of dialogue and not much descriptions about surroundings etc. Is that bad? I feel like I make then talk a lot cuz I can imagine them in my head but I'm the one writing it. How do you readers find it? Please let me know :D

And one more thing, this story will end at chapter 16, but I'm really considering doing like part 2 which takes place after the ending (not gonna spoil that huhu). Would you lovely people be interested? ^^ Thanks for your support always xx

I wonder how Riku end up like that hmmm? :P

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