"I never said I didn't believe in love," he argues. "Elijah's tragic love for our family is pathetic. They will never stand with him forever." Scanning her from head to toe, Klaus wonders how he ever got to this point in the first place. A few days ago, he wanted to avoid Arabella. Now, he is arguing with her in the living room of the Salvatore house. He desires to feel the feeling of her lips on his, her hands in his hair, their bodies against each other. Klaus doesn't want to avoid his feelings towards Arabella anymore.

The hybrid stares intensely into her eyes, making out all the different blue and green hues held within them. They could both stay like that all day. Staring into each other's eyes.

"You believe in love, then?" Arabella asks. Her eyes flicker down to Klaus's lips as she licks her own. They quickly move back to stare into his though, as if she is about to commit a heinous crime. "Love and mates and that sort of nonsensical superstition?"

Klaus tucks a strand of silver hair behind her ear. "It's not all superstition," he murmurs. "Soulmate bonds are very real and very strong." He swallows hard. "They're very hard to deny in most cases."

Nodding her head in agreement, Arabella realizes that she is still holding onto his arm. "I can see that," she murmurs.

Then, Klaus's lips soon come crashing down to hers. Arabella's body seems to light up with the emotions she has been trying to shove down and deny. All her lust and need comes pouring out of her in the kiss.

Soon, Arabella's back is pressed heavily against one of the pillars in the room. Klaus's lips disentangle from Arabella's mouth so that he can suck on different spots on her neck. 

The air in her throat lodges itself while she feels Klaus's hands begin to drag at the hem of her shirt. His fingertips graze her skin, setting her ablaze. Heat pours out of her while her own hands edge dangerously close to Klaus's waistband. 

Klaus vampire speeds her against a different pillar closer to the staircase. His lips move back on top of hers while his hands move to cup her face. He pulls her body closer to his, as if he is trying to merge them together. 

Suddenly, Klaus lifts her up by cupping the back of her thighs. A gasp leaves her mouth, which Klaus silences by sliding his tongue inside. Arabella instinctively wraps her legs around Klaus's waist while threading her hands through his hair. Klaus sprints them upstairs so that they can get into her room.

Silently sending a prayer to whatever gods are out there that Stefan stays downstairs, Arabella can hear Klaus loudly shove open her bedroom door. The door creaks closed behind them seconds before her back is pressed hard against the soft sheets. 

Some deep part of each of their minds screams at them that this is a dangerous mistake. That going further may lead to problems later on down the road. Yet, everything else is screaming at them that this is right.

The pair spend the next few hours vulnerably entangled with each other, ignoring the protests of the rational portions of their brains. For the moment, it's just the two of them in the universe.

Handing Arabella the glass of whiskey he just poured, Klaus pours a glass for himself with a smile. Their fingers brush against each other for the briefest moment and seem to linger there much longer than they should.

Such a bold thing to be doing when Arabella's brother is standing only a few feet away from them. If Stefan notices, however, he doesn't let on. He seems to be minding his own business at the moment.

A small smirk appears on Klaus's face as the scent of blood wafts into the room. Arabella frowns as she brings the drink to her lips. Rebekah drags Alaric into the room, dried blood caking down his nose and neck.

"That's a bit gratuitous. Don't you think, Stefan?" Klaus asks mockingly. He lifts his arms with a giant grin on his face. "I would have been more gentle."

Arabella rolls her eyes at him as she sets down her drink. Everybody knows that Klaus would most definitely not have been 'more gentle' in trying to pry dark Alaric out of the depths of Alaric's mind.

"I'm gonna take him to the caves," Rebekah states. "You're going to go inside and fetch me the stake, and if you think you can hide you're wrong."

Rebekah shoves Alaric towards the doorway as Arabella approaches them. "I'll go with them to make sure she doesn't kill Alaric," Arabella tells her older brother. "Try not to burn down the house while I'm gone."

The three of them exit the large house and race through the woods towards the entrance of the caves. Soon, Alaric is entering the anti-vampire cave with tons of drawings on the wall. With Rebekah blocking Arabella's entrance, all she can do is watch as Alaric enters the cave and grabs the stake.

Ripping the weapon out of its hiding spot, Alaric stares at the two girls in the entrance way for a moment. Arabella can see the plan forming in his head before he makes his slow approach to the coffin in the center of the cave.

He leans against the wooden coffin and twirls the stake in between his two hands. "Now why would I give you the one thing that requires everyone to keep me alive?" He asks with a confused look on his face.

Rolling her eyes at the human, Arabella leans her right shoulder against the rocky walls. "Trust me, Alaric, I'll keep you safe. Just hand the weapon over so that we can call it a day," she states.

Once it becomes apparent that he isn't just going to give up the weapon, the Original vampire looks annoyed. "Are we bargaining now?" She asks. Silence fills the cave for a few seconds before she shakes her head. "Fine. What's your offer?"

The intense eye contact between Alaric and Rebekah makes Arabella feel as though she is intruding on a moment. "There is only one weapon, which means only one Original has to die." A sadistic smirk finds its way to Alaric's face. "Help me, and I'll make sure that it's not you."

Unamused, Rebekah blinks at the man a few times. "Tenuous. But points for effort. You see, I don't want one Original to die." The blonde grabs Arabella by the wrist and tosses her into the cave with her vampire strength, catching the girl by surprise. The werewolf hits the rock wall so hard, blood pours out of her temple. Repressing her growl, Arabella gives the vampire a menacing glare.

Quickly glancing down at the invisible line on the ground for a few seconds, Rebekah enters the forbidden place, catching both the human and the werewolf by surprise.

Alaric stands up straight and points the weapon at Rebekah in shock. "I want them all to die."

Hands claw at the stony wall for support as Arabella attempts to get to her feet. There is no possible way that Rebekah can enter this room. She's a vampire.

"How did you do that?" Alaric whispers.

"It was easy to fool Niklaus, but I thought you of all people would understand. After all, my son did use your body at one point."

Arabella's blood runs cold as realization strikes her hard. The person in front of them isn't Rebekah at all. "Esther?" Arabella asks in quiet horror. The one who tried to kill her family and the werewolf, who was supposedly dead, has somehow body snatched her own daughter to further her agenda.

A small smile blooms across the woman's face. Her eyes never leave Alaric's bloody face. "We certainly do have a great deal in common," she comments.

Sparing a glance towards the werewolf, Alaric raises an eyebrow. "What about her?" He asks.

The smile never leaves Rebekah's Esther controlled face. "Don't worry about her. She won't remember a thing about this later."


Hi everyone! I am so sorry for such a late update, things have been slightly chaotic in my life lately. I'm going to try and grind out a couple of chapters faster since I am now finished with my summer classes! 

Thank you all for everything and remember to: 




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