Chapter 50: Candle Light

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(Y/N) giggled, giving him a quick cuddle before bidding farewell to her guardian so she could head off for her extra training sessions.

"Midoriya, my boy, how was the date?" Toshinori enquired, hoping to snap the boy out of his whispering daze.

"A-All M-M-Might!" the green-eyed boy yelped, having not noticed his presence earlier.

"Well?" the blonde haired man pushed, eager to know the details.

"Gr-Great! W-We're dating n-n-now too," he explained, looking away from his idol/mentor since he did look after the girl he loved.

I wonder if I should have said that since All Might is more or less her father...

"Well in that case, congratulations my young student," All Might cheerfully praised, placing his hand on Midoriya's shoulder who flinched at the action as he awaited for the other male to threaten him about breaking his girlfriend's heart.

"Th-Thanks!" he mumbled when All Might never attacked him.

"Break her heart and I'll break you," Yagi suddenly threatened, transforming into his muscular form very briefly before reverting back to his skinny form, blood pouring out of his mouth momentarily.

Izuku screamed.

Toshinori laughed in response, saying that he was joking and that he knew Midoriya would never do anything to harm the child he had looked after for a roughly a decade.

"I believe that your class is eager to know how your-"

"Nononononono! It was so... And then... Plus we..."

Izuku tried to come up with a reason not to tell his fellow peers about the date or how it went, but every time he tried to, he kept tripping over his words, unable to voice a single reason from his own brain. Toshinori then cleared his throat, snapping him out of his mumbling habit once more.

"I'll see you all on Monday then," Toshinori said, having now gained Izuku's undivided attention.

He waved goodbye to his student who waved back weakly.

Izuku then sighed. He knew full well that this short walk from the front of the gate to his dorm would be the only peace and quiet he'll get before he's bombarded with questions from the rest of his class. And there's a possibility that Shinshō from the general department might be interested in their little outing along with Monoma from Class 1B.

(Y/N) knows a lot of people... That's for sure, he pondered, casually strolling down to Heights Alliance with his hands in his pockets.

He and (Y/N) had in fact already been to their dorm rooms to get dressed without the rest of the class knowing thanks to her quirk. She had changed into her PE uniform while Izuku now sported his usual non-uniform attire.

His thinking ventured over from his quirk to his girlfriend, their date still fresh in his mind.

He was actually kind of surprised with how smoothly it went. No villain attacks or anyone who recognised him from the Sports Festival asking him for a photo or an autograph. In fact, he was worried it may have gone too well.

But he almost immediately pulled the idea from his brain.

He couldn't think like that. Not right now on the happiest day of his life.

This was his moment, his day, his perfect date.

Everything had gone wonderfully and he wasn't about to let anything ruin that: including his own thought process. Even All For One couldn't spoil this day for him. That's just how spectacular today was.

{HIATUS} Quirkfull Hero: Izuku Midoriya x ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora