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This story is going to contain:
• Age gap romance
• Swearing
• Sex

Your name is Riot (19)

enjoy and rate please it encourages me
to write 😂♥️

You stand outside Sunny-side Trailer park holding a duffel bag of belongings. It's a cool night with a light breeze that forms goosebumps on your skin. You are dressed in black boots and a kaki romper. Damn I should of put on a jacket . Suddenly you hear voices, one is a boyish, fast talk and the other is deep and mysterious, which makes you tense slightly. You spin round and are greeted with the view of a boy around your age wearing a beanie and lined denim jacket that looked old and thoroughly worn, beside him stood an older man who wore dark ripped jeans, a blue shirt and an unmistakable serpent jacket. His features stood out in a brooding aged way, simple creases and wrinkles carved a stern yet mysterious look onto his face. He clearly hadn't shaved but the stubble looked good on his rugged face, his eyes seemed to pierce into you, a deep, dark brown, that traced your body inspecting you. He seemed to approve by showing a slight raise in his eyebrow. The younger one spoke first, "Are you Riot?" You clear your throat and reply "Yeah, and you are?". "I'm Jughead, Jug to my friends" he exclaimed. "Here's your key, trailer no.17. Hope you don't mind but I gotta run, my dad here will show you where it is" he said before waving bye and walking off into the distance. You are left standing, shivering slightly, with a key in hand. The unnamed guy stands and looks down at you even though you are in heels. He must be over 6ft. "So.." his voice startles you, which makes him smirk slightly "Your Riot, huh" Okay just act casual. "Yeah that's me, I didn't catch your name though?" He huffed, " It's FP, darlin". FP? I wonder what that stands for? He starts walking into the trailer park before turning round and saying "You coming doll?". You hurry to catch up with him, by now the air was colder and you were visibly shaking, FP looked at you and squinted. "You cold doll?" You stare at him with crossed arms and pursed lips. No shit sherlock it's freezing out here! "Yeah, my jackets at the bottom of my bag" He rolled his eyes and started to remove his jacket, you raise your eyebrows slightly shocked and bite your lip unconsciously. He places it over your shoulders and swings the duffel bag you were holding over his broad shoulder. "Warmer?" he asks. "Yeah... thanks" His jacket felt comfortably heavy around your shoulders, it had an interesting smell of aftershave and light buzz of alcohol, it's kind of intoxicating... You looked around and saw rows after rows of trailers as well as bikes. You look up at FP who wore a brooding expression that fit him like a glove, you frown still thinking about what FP means as well as many more questions. He suddenly came to a holt. "This is it doll". You look at the trailer in-front of you, it was an average looking trailer with one thing that stuck out. A motorcycle, stood outside under a small gazebo. "You looking at the bike? That's yours doll, if you can ride it" he winked at the last bit making you bite your lip subconsciously again. He gestures towards the door and you open it and step inside, FP follows. "The heaters gonna take a while to work, so keep the jacket for tonight doll" Wow, he's a keeper alright. "If you need anything I'm in the trailer next door.." You sigh and look at FP, he looks back. "Thanks, anything else to know?" He stays silent for a second before replying "Don't open the door at night unless you know who's there and avoid trouble doll and you'll be right as rain" You nod as FP makes his way to the door before winking and stepping out. You sigh and close the door. What the hell was that?

Riverdale Romance: FP and YouWhere stories live. Discover now