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A soulmate - by definition - is someone with whom you share a deep affinity and understanding.

Betty POV
I was sitting in my room, distanced from the world around me as thoughts flooded my mind. I was supposed to be planning my  18th birthday party with Kev and V but found myself anxious from distracting thoughts.

Nobody knows why the universe works this way but it does: On your 18th birthday, your skin is engraved painfully with a tattoo. Somehow this tattoo is related to supposedly your soulmate. You aren't supposed to fall in love with someone until you're eighteen - which might be a problem for me - and you are basically stuck with your soulmate for eternity so better get used to them.

What if we aren't soulmates? What if the person I truly love isn't my soulmate? What if he hates me or I hate him? What if I never find my soulmate?? WHAT IF- "Earth to B. Hello! We're supposed to be planning your 18th bday party here!" Veronica waved her hand in front of my face. "What you thinking about, Betty?" Kevin smirked at me. "... Jughead." I blurted out, receiving small chuckles from both V and Kev. "Betty's in love! Betty's in love!" Veronica starts chanting, soon joined in by Kevin. I blush. "Yeah, I guess I am."

I've been best friends with Jughead ever since I stood up for him when Chuck took his hat in the first grade. I've always had a small crush on him, but I've never told him and now I'm scared to find out whether he's my soulmate or not.

Veronica and Kevin already got their tattoos and said it hurt more than childbirth which sounded unreliable considering neither had ever experienced childbirth before - especially Kevin. Veronica's was a Football and Archie's was a necklace of pearls so that one wasn't hard to figure out. Kevin's was a serpent and fangs was a book bag so that was pretty simple too. But what if mine doesn't make any sense? What if mine is a sentence from some strange poem or book I've never read? What if my soulmate doesn't love me back? What if-

"B, stop stressing. I'm sure you will live happily ever after with whoever your soulmate is." Veronica can read me like an open book so I'm not surprised she saw the anxiety that had trapped me in my thoughts. "Thanks, V" "Ok, now onto the guest list."

I started listing the names of people to invite. ".. Cheryl, Polly, Ethel, you guys, Archie, Jughead, FP, Fangs, Toni, Sweet Pea, Trevor. Who else?" Veronica looked very bored. "What?" I asked and chuckled. Veronica rolled her eyes at Kevin. "BORING!" They both yelled. "Hey, shh, you know my mum doesn't like Kevin being here so shut it or you'll get us caught!" I whisper shouted. "Sorry B, but your party will be a bore if you only invite our closest friends and your family- we'll figure out the guests, you just worry about your outfit. "OMG, I ALMOST FORGOT. WE NEED TO GO DRESS SHOPPING!" I squealed, followed by the same squeals from Kevin and Veronica. "Well, we better get going now before the mall closes." Veronica states, standing up and pulling me up with her. We arrive at the mall and I immediately see a really cute dress shop. I lead both Veronica and Kevin I'm behind me. I see an adorable navy lace dress. I grab it and lay it over my body, showing it to V and Kevin. "Jughead wont be able to take his eyes and hands off of you all night!" Veronica squealed."I agree, he'll be drooling all over you, speechless! You have to buy it!" I giggle at their remarks.
The dress:

The dress:

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