Ch 5 - Getting Ready

Start from the beginning

A fresh bout of sobbing came upon her and she tried to suppress it so that her new husband wouldn't think her crazy. He rocked her gently as they stood, instinctively discovering what would soothe her, despite his initial fears.

As she sniffled less, he turned her attention to the fireplace where a large copper tub sat, complete with steaming water. She gasped in wonder and immediately started disrobing. He went to the door, quickly locking it, before returning and assisting her.

Once she was uncovered Rosannah eagerly aided him in the removal of his clothing and within but a few minutes they stepped into the warm water.

They sat at opposite ends, facing each other, and yet had plenty of room. She sank lower, sighing in contentment, "What a wonderful tub."

"I commissioned it upon our betrothal," he replied and at her look of surprise it was his turn to blush, "It was a dream of mine that gave me the idea," he owned.

She looked at him under her lashes, speaking though the smile she could not deny. "You dreamed of this?"

He nodded, "Yes, though the reality far surpasses the fantasy." A look of contentment sat upon his countenance and she wondered in amazement at being the cause of it.

"Well I am glad of your mind dear husband. Sharing a bath with you is blissful perfection." She happily sank right under the water, thoroughly dousing her hair.

"Turn around," her husband ordered as she rose. She obeyed and was rewarded with his strong fingers massaging her scalp thoroughly with some rose water that was a favourite of hers, twas a delightful sensation.

"Heavenly," she breathed. Her utopia continued when he turned his attentions to her body and she luxuriated in his arms as he washed her all over, pleasure stemming from the simple joy of being cared for in such a manner.

When he finished she delightedly returned all his actions. She loved washing his hair, the thick silky waves spreading through her fingers. Rubbing soap over his skin with her bare hands made his muscles contract and ripple, a sight she very much enjoyed.

"I wish we had more time," he groaned as she finished.

"Me too, perhaps we should have a bath again soon." She lay atop him, letting the water swish around them. "We could start a new craze, a bath a week."

He laughed, "Oh, I like the sound of that, despite the added cost of bringing in so much fresh water. The thought of doing this again in such a short time might be the only thing to get me out of this tub tonight."

She acted shocked, "Would you not for the sake of your mother?" He shook his head, spraying droplets of water.

"No," he growled.

A knock at the door brought their attention outward. Henry hauled his body from the water and donned a robe. He stalked to the door, yanking it open.

"... to leave just over half the hour from now," Maisie was calling in a mirthful tone. Rosannah was glad that these doors seemed just as sturdy as the ones at Amblethorpe.

"Sorry Your Grace." Maisie was no longer shocked to find her husband opening his wife's door, "I was just informing you when the carriage would be ready to leave."

"Yes, thank you Maisie," Henry looked to Rosannah with reluctance and she knew what he was asking. She sighed and nodded gloomily.

"Maisie, I believe Her Grace requires your assistance. I do not think we will both get ready in time without it." He returned to the tub, raised Rosannah's hand and planted a kiss on her palm, "See you soon," he promised and made his way into his chamber.

The Happy Marriage of Rosannah Winthrop (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now