Chapter Two

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Alexander Hamilton:
I was walking around trying to find the classroom when I saw the other people staring at some kid..he had chocolate-like skin and short, dark brown hair. I felt people whispering about the guy. I instantly ran towards him. He looked so hurt and, I couldn't exactly see if he was crying....I didn't even cared what people say! I helped the kid up and walked him to the nurse...meanwhile I tried to talk to him.
"What's your name?" I asked him, he didn't looked at me, he was looking at the floor as he walked.
"Aaron. Aaron Burr" he mumbled, he looked so hurt. I wanted to do help him up as much as I can!
"I'm...Alex. Alexander Hamilton" I smiled, trying to comfort him. He just smiled back weakly and we stayed silent until we got to the nurse's office.
I waited outside the nurse's office, I still don't know why. Burr came out a few minutes later, he looked better at least.
"Sooooo....Aaron?" I said awkwardly, he just hummed "mhm?". God, something about this guy seemed so different to the others.....wonder why.
"You're new?" I tried my best to make some conversation as we walked to class.
" seemed new, thought" he answered. Damn, is it that obvious?
"Yup! Just moved here..." I smiled, he just looked at me and nodded.

God, he's cute!

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