Chapter 14

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Omg!!! i started this book in March and now its October!!! Thank you everyone for reading this!! shoutout: anneke_books



Marshall's POV

I heard the door bell ring. "wait, Fiona," i said "i'll be right back."

She nodded. i put a shirt on. i cleaned my face.

I opened the door.

"Where... is... she?" Will muttered under his breath.

"U-upstairs, why?" i asked.

Will's POV

I rushed past the vampire and up the stairs into his room.

I opened the door to see Fiona on his bed. "Fi," she turned around.

She had blood on her lips and neck. She was wearing one of his shirts.

"No, no, get away!" Fiona screeched.

"MARSHALL!!! HELP!!" She shrieked.

I ran away from there as fast as i could.

Marshall came speeding after me. "DID YOU TOUCH HER?!?" he screamed.

"NO!! YOU MARKED HER!!!" I screamed back.

He stopped, turned around, and went back inside.

Fiona's POV

Marshall came back inside.

"Are you okay?" i asked.

"Yeah." he turned his head to me. "did he touch you?"

"No, he ran before he did anything." I replied.

"Okay. do you want to get rid of that mark?" he asked after a few minutes.

"No," i answered. "I want to be a-"

"No, I'm not doing that to you. you don't want to be like me!"

"Why not?!"

"Because, its... its.... i just cant, okay?!"


Okay, that is the end of the first book. the second will be called "Drift" Pls vote and comment your thoughts!!


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