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     Eve breathed heavily, plopping her mass down on the couch. She put both of her hands by her sides, holding her weak body up. Her neck leaned back and she faced the ceiling, huffing and puffing loudly. Her cheeks stung with embarrassment and lust at the same time.

     "You must really be enjoying yourself." Sofia finally finished bringing the boxes upon boxes of some sort of food into the room. Eve looked shyly at Sofia and nodded, her entire body weak from eating so much. "Don't get so comfortable. You still haven't finished tonight's stuffing." Eve looked down at Sofia and smiled. Sofia sat down lightly next to Eve and clicked the ON button on the TV remote. She quickly turned on a sweets baking show. Eve looked at the television. She began to feel the inside of her mouth salivating.

     "Is piggy hungry for some food like that?" Sofia gestured her hand to the donut on the TV. Eve felt her cheeks get even warmer as she nodded again, not saying a word. Sofia smiled, "Good because that's just what you're getting. " Sofia opened a box and set in facing Eve on her lap. The box was filled to the brim with one dozen pink frosted donuts. Unable to control herself, Eve reached out her fatty fingers to the donuts. She quickly grabbed one and put it in her mouth. Sofia laughed loudly. 

     "Okay, pig. If you want these donuts..." Sofia stood in front of Eve and leaned down to speak right in her ear, "...I want you to beg.~" Eve couldn't believe this... She loved it. 

     Eve got down on her knees and knelt on the floor, her fat jiggled as she hit the ground. She clasped her hands together and looked up at Sofia eagerly with a submissive look of lust in her eyes, "Please master, feed me."

     Sofia stuffed two donuts in Eve's mouth, shocking her. Eve crawled back up onto the couch and continued watching the TV. Sofia sat next to her, upright, shoving donut after donut into Eve's mouth.

     Eve exhaled tiredly as if she'd just finished a marathon. She had finished her first box of donuts. Her stomach rumbled as the sounds of digestion came out from it. Sofia put her strong hands on Eve's stomach and rubbed it gently. "Do you like that, piggy?" Eve didn't answer. She only muffled a moan with her hand. Sofia's warm hand rubbing her tense stomach felt... magnificent. 

     "M-Master, can I let it out?" Eve asked Sofia, her body leaned back as she ate more and more, slouching further into the couch. Sofia nodded and rubbed Eve's stomach harder. Eve was surprised by the rubbing and let out a sweet, musical moan. Sofia could start to feel the growing heat between her own legs now. Sofia tossed the empty donut box aside and opened a new one. This one was filled with extra glazed donuts

     Eve swallowed the last donut in the glazed batch, her stomach now went past one-half of her thighs which had also expanded. The buttons on her now stained white button-up shirt were barely keeping her expanding mass contained. Her jeans were holding together tightly around her ass and thighs while the button also struggled.

     "Mmmph!.. M-master, I don't think I can eat any more donuts." Eve rubbed her now slightly softened belly. Sofia knew this point of the night would come, but she remained vigilant. 

     "I'm your master, so you can stop when I tell you to." Sofia tossed aside the newly finished glazed donut box and opened another. It was another pink frosted batch. "Now open wide." Eve moaned as a donut was shoved into her mouth. She couldn't take all the stress being put on her stomach. Oh my god, Eve thought to herself, I'm going to burst! The jean button on her capri jeans popped off. Some of her fat flooded past like water to a dam. She moaned loudly in relief and lust. 

     "Wow, little piggy! You finally broke that button." Sofia slapped Eve's belly gently, "Now, let's see if we can break that top one~..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2019 ⏰

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