(22): Bomb Dropped

Start from the beginning

"We're girls, we can speak about these things" She defends "They can't. Can you imagine him saying something about my vagina to Kyle"

I laugh loudly, having to cover my mouth "I would give anything to see Kyle's reaction if he does"

"You're not helping" She scowls loudly.

"Jeez sorry" I hold in my laugh "I don't think he goes into detail about it. Maybe he just goes 'dude, Kat and I made such sweet love last night' or something"

She barks out a laugh "Oh my gosh. No one says that, you virgin!"

"Whatever" I defend before joining in on her laughing. It's infectious like that.

"Okay but seriously, are you still a virgin?"

"Yes" I reply exasperated "Who could I have possibly lost it to? If it was Noah, I'm pretty sure you would've known"

She raises a brow "Well, why didn't you?"

"I never felt ready" I explain thoughtfully "This other time we almost did it but then I panicked and pushed him away. It was so embarrassing"

"What do you mean 'almost did it'? Like did he have his you-know-what against your you-know-what?" She asks curiously.

I nod shyly "Yeah. It was so weird. Everything was set. He even had a condom on"

Her eyes widen "Oh my gosh. I never knew you guys went that far far. Neither of you told me about this. Why do you think you panicked?"

"I don't know. It was just so embarrassing"

She rubs a hand down my arm "Don't worry, it happens to the best of us"

"Not when you've been with the person for so long" I frown "Seriously Kathrine, what the fuck is my problem? I loved him and he loved me? What was missing?"

She hums sympathetically "Only you know, Chels"

"After that incident I could see he was scared to even lay a finger on me" I admit embarrassed "It was the worst"

"Don't think about it. It's over now" She coos softly.

I can't stop thinking about!

"I mean what was the big deal anyways? It's just sex. Everyone does it. You do it. Kyle does it all the time. Nicholas does it all the time too. What was the big deal with me?" I can't help but rant agitated and annoyed with myself.

"Chelsea. It doesn't matter anymore" She scolds "It's not your fault you weren't ready. It happens"

I frown shaking my head "Oh my gosh, I was such a horrible girlfriend"

"Stop it" She points a stern finger at me.

I stick a hand out "I think I need the teddy bear now"

She smiles softly before handing it to me and I clutch it tightly between my hands and ditch my pillow before snuggling into it. The soft material calms me down immediately. And the teddy bear itself, with that cute little smile and the ribbon tied around it's neck.

"Better?" Kat asks.

I nod pouting "Yes"

"Honey! I'm home"

That's definitely Nathan's voice. But what is he doing here? My suspicion are confirmed when he enters my bedroom door, Kat's eyes immediately light up before he jumps on my bed and envelops her into an affectionate hug.

"Babe" She grins and soon they're making out with him straddling her and her legs wrapped around his waist. And they're crushing my poor pillows!

It's like they hadn't seen the other in decades.

Mr Rude & Me (Undergoing Editing)Where stories live. Discover now