chapter two

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PLEASE READ: I have decided to rewrite this story. You may read this chapter if you would like but please be aware that you will also have to read the rewritten chapter if you like this story. This is because I am changing some things and the quality is going to be much much better. You can find the rewritten chapters in this fic after chapter nine. I hope you enjoy.


I laid down on my bed, reading my script as Val laid down on the floor. She was highlighting her lines with all sorts of colors of the rainbow.

I put down my script and sat up. "Now that I'm thinking about it, Phil is such a prick." I said and crossed my arms against my chest.

Val turned around and rolled her eyes. "Yes, we've accomplished that, you told me at least eight times." She said with a slight smirk.

"But did you see him at auditions! He used the song I used last year at auditions for Les Miserables. He totally knew it too! I saw the smirk on his face, I really did!" I exclaimed and I saw Val laughing gently to herself.

"You're so hung up on him, if you were really that mad, you would have told me at the auditions. Now you're just being silly and finding ways to hate him." She replied and went back to her highlighting, I could see the bright pink popping out of her script.

"Yeah but I'm just thinking of things he has done in the past to prove my point! Like the time he criticized Enjolras at the first rehearsal of Les Mis, he knew that was my role but he wanted to rub it in my face that he got Marius. Also, during freshman year I swear he laughed at me during my audition. I remember.." Val cuts me off and I frown.

"Dan, stop. You're just making this worse for yourself."

I sigh and look down at my script then back up again. Maybe Val was right.

"Fine, I'll stop talking about that little bastard."

"Good, I can't remember the last time we had a conversation without you ranting about Phil."

"In my defense, you would totally be bitching to me if you had to be in a relationship with Kat."

She laughed and nodded her head. "You do have a point, but I think everyone would."

I smiled softly and went back to reading my script.


The bell rang furiously, it almost scared me half to death. It was Monday afternoon and the bell was warning us that school was over. We poured out of the classroom into the sea of students. Most of the students would go home, I was going to rehearsal.

The first rehearsal was always one of the best, we just read through the script. No blocking or singing, just reading. It was the perfect way to start developing your characters into something beautiful.

I swung my book-bag over my shoulder and made my way down to the auditorium. As soon as I walked into the auditorium door silence filled my ears. No one arrived yet, I was always early. I liked it though, it gave me a few minutes all to myself. Rehearsal started at 2:20 and it was 2:10 so I had a good 10 minutes just to clear my mind and think.

I made my way to the stage and sat down on the edge. I glanced out into the rows of empty seats. Soon they would be filled up to watch our performance, watching me share my love with Phil. In a romantic way, of course. They would think we were friends in real life and they could imagine us laughing after having to kiss at rehearsals. But they wouldn't know the disgust we had for each other.

I started to sing quietly to myself, knowing that no one was here yet. I didn't mind people listening to me sing while I was onstage, but I didn't exactly like people listening as I sang for myself.

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