Chapter 3 ~

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Chapter 3

Your POV
I wake up and get out of bed I then go to my mirror and I look at my back and see the mark are still there. I grab some clothes and change into them. I leave my house without eating breakfast because I didn't want to see my parents then I check the time it was 7:50 I walk all the way back to Bucks place and knock on the door. This man answered it "What do you want" he said to me "I'm here for Dally" I said then Dally walked up behind him and said "She's with be Buck" Buck then moved out the way and let me inside. "What are we gonna do today" I said while looking at him "We are gonna rob a store" Dally said as he put on his jacket I looked at him and smiled I knew I found the right guy. We walk outside and headed to a store I put on this mask that didn't make me look suspicious and would hide my face and a wig. "Why you hiding yourself doll" Dally said looking at me I looked back at him and said "You will find out soon" we walk in and walk to the back of the store I take some beer out the fridge and hide it in my coat. Dally grabs some cigarettes and a lighter then we walk to the exit and walk out. We then hear the fuzz we run and hit in a building the sounds finally goes away I look at Dally and say" I've never had that much fun in a long time" while I take off my mask and wig "Then your gonna have a lot of fun with me doll" Dally said as he got closer to me "Let's get going" Dally said standing up and reaching his hand to me then we left the building.

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