~ First Chapter ~

Start from the beginning

"Can I look at it then?" said Mahiru upset.

Kuro never explained anything to him because he was 'too troublesome'. In fact, he did not give him any explanation. He rarely spoke. Yet he was a big lazyass. He blinked several times and lifted the kitten so Mahiru could see.

"A broken paw?" he asked quietly, watching the bloody paw.

Kuro silently nodded and returned the kitten in his jacket pocket. Together with Mahiru he came out of the alley. For half an hour, they came to Mahiru's apartment. In silence they went inside and turned on the light.

"I'll bring the bandage." said Mahiru delaying school bag on the table.

Kuro did not react. He just sat on the couch and set the kitten on the table. He studied her again. She seemed familiar. Has he seen her somewhere? He felt as if he knew her... Still he could not figure out where and how.

Mahiru returned with the first aid kit. He sat beside Kuro and pulled the bandage out of the box. Servamp took the kitten in the arms so she could not run away from them. When Mahiru stepped toward her, she hissed.

"She hates me..." muttered Mahiru, raising eyebrows.

Kuro stayed silent for a while. He poked the kitten on the 'cheek' with his index finger.

"No... She is just afraid..." murmured lazy Kuro, still not looking at them.

Mahiru grinned at it. It was funny when Kuro took care of cats, because he himself was a cat in some way. As soon as he saw his grin, Kuro stabbed him with view.

"Shut up..." he muttered.

"Hai, hai..." replied Mahiru still grinning.

He cut a piece of bandage and wrapped it five times around the paw. This time the cat did not hiss. Carefully, she watched Mahiru putting bandage on her leg. Like she understood what he was doing. When he was finished with the rolling motion, he tied a small knot and smiled.

"Here it is, little one, done." he told her.

There was a hit in the hallway across from Mahiru's apartment. All three turned to the door. Kuro blinked lazily several times as he lowered the kitten into the lap.

"What..." he began, but Mahiru interrupted him.

"The family is moving in across our apartment. A father and two daughters, as far as I could see." explained Mahiru.

Servamp turned to him and looked at him with no expression.


"I'm not stalker!" barked Mahiru but sighed. "Anyway, where will she sleep?"

Kuro looked in his lap in the kitty. Then he looked at Mahiru's room.

"I know." Mahiru said before Kuro could speak. "She can sleep in your basket. And today you're going to sleep on the couch."

Kuro glanced at him and blinked several times.

"How troublesome..." muttered Kuro putting the cat on the table.

Mahiru got up from the couch and smiled proudly.

"I'll make us some dinner. You go get the basket." he ordered his Servamp.

"Do I have to?" said Kuro quietly.

"Yeah, like your Eve, I order you to..." before he came to finish Kuro got up and turned his back.

"Yes, yes... Just shut up..."

Mahiru just rolled his eyes on his answer. He left the kitchen in silence leaving a small kitten. Kuro sighed, returning to the living room. He carried a basket for cats.

"Mahiru... Make me ramen..." he started and paused, looking at the table in the living room.

At a place where little white cat was sitting, a short girl was now sitting. The purple, wavy hair was falling over her shoulders, and the bright red eyes glittered as they looked at Kuro. The legs were crossed on the table as she was smiling.

"Kuro, did you say anything..." began Mahiru, but stopped when she saw the girl.

"Hola!" the girl said and waved. "Thank you for saving me."

"This is going to be a pain..." muttered Kuro sighing.

"Who are you?" asked Mahiru shocked.

The girl turned to him and smiled. Mahiru noted her long canine teeth in the smile.

"You are Mahiru Shirota, are not you? Kuro's Eve..." she grinned. "Nice to meet you, I'm ninth Servamp, Proud Tiger."

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